Chapter 21 | Talented

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"Kat honey, time to wake up," I heard my mom say in a soft voice. I grunted and got up. Today was the day I leave for Orlando with Hayes.

I realized I was still in my mom's room and smiled. It was just like old times. When my dad first left for the military, and my mom started talking again, I used to sleep with her every night. It was so sweet.

I ran out of her room and straight to mine. I hopped in the shower and started singing One Direction.

"You and I we don't wanna be like them. We can make it till the end. Nothing can come between you and I. Not even the gods above, can separate the two of us. Oh nothing can come between you and I."

I got out and brushed my hair. I put it in a French braid and then put on some mascara. I walked to my room and put on black leggings and a maroon sweatshirt from Pink. I put on my white converse and went back in the bathroom.

I grabbed my straightener, hair curler, hair brush, deodorant, perfume, tampons and pads (yanno, just in case), makeup remover, a makeup bag with all the basic stuff, hairspray, body wash, razors, shaving cream, shampoo, and conditioner. I brought them to my room and put them in a pink duffle bag.

I walked over to my bedside table and unplugged my phone. I grabbed my chargers, laptop, headphones, and iPad and put them in a backpack.

I grabbed all my bags and brought them downstairs. It's a lot of stuff, but I'm going to be in Orlando for a week.

When I went downstairs, my mom was standing by the door. "The Griers, Kayla, Cameron, and Tyler are here," she said hugging me.

I put all my bags down and hugged back. I was really gonna miss her. Bre came running down the stairs and hugged me. "See ya in a week buttface!" She yelled. I laughed. "Love you ugly," I said. "Love you too loser."

I hugged them both again and walked outside. "I'll take that," Chad said, grabbing my bags. "Thanks," I smiled.

I got in the van and sat in the back with Tyler and Kayla. Hayes was up front with Chad, and Nash and Cam were in the middle seats. "You look cute!" Kayla yelled. I laughed. "Yeah she does!" Hayes yelled back. I blushed and Tyler and Kayla squealed.

I grabbed my headphones out of my backpack and started playing my music.

// (pretend that's what Kat sounds like)

I pressed shuffle and Girl On Fire by Alicia Keys started playing.

"She's just a girl and she's on fire. Hotter than a fantasy, lonely like a highway. She's living in a world and it's on fire. Filled with catastrophe, but she knows she can fly away.

Ohhhh oh oh oh oh
She got both feet on the ground
And she's burning it down
Ohhhh oh oh oh oh
She got her head in the clouds
And she's not backing down

This girl is on fire
This girl is on fire
She's walking on fire
This girl is on fire."

When the song was over, I looked up and saw everyone staring at me. Uh-oh. I just realized I must've been singing out loud.

Everyone started clapping. I could feel my face getting hot. Everyone started yelling. "YOU'RE AMAZING!" Kayla yelled. "OH MY GOSH KAT YOU'RE SO TALENTED!" Tyler yelled. "I'M POSTING A VINE OF YOUR TALENTED LITTLE BOOTY!" Nash yelled. "Zayummm girl. You be singin like Rihanna!" Cameron said, making a püma face. I laughed and looked at Hayes. "I remember that voice, it's so amazing. I forgot you could sing so good!" Hayes said. I blushed again and smiled.

I put my headphones back in and looked out the window. I can't believe I didn't realize I was singing out loud. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I pressed shuffle and laid my head back. Before I knew it, I was asleep.


"Flight 23 to orlando," the lady over the intercom said. "That's us!" Chad said, standing up. All of my stuff was already on board, so I grabbed my backpack and boarded.

"What seat do you have?" Hayes asked. "Um 46a..." I said, showing him my ticket. He smiled and showed me his. "I have 47a!" I laughed. "Yaaaass!" I said in a weird voice.

We boarded the plane and I sat by Hayes. Nash and Kayla were across from us, Tyler and Cam were behind them, and Chad was behind us...sleeping.

Hayes got the window seat, so it was nice because I could talk to Kayla across the aisle.

I looked over but her and Nash were too busy making snapchats and I didn't want to interrupt them.

"Hey! Wanna make some snapchats?" Hayes asked. I nodded. "Okay you sing funny," hayes said laughing. I nodded in response and started singing in a funny voice.

"Head in the clouds, got no weight on my shoulders. I should be wiser and realize that I've got one less problem without ya...."

Hayes started dying and we watched it and and started laughing even harder. We made a few more snapchats, and then I was tired.

I put in my headphones and laid my head down on Hayes shoulder. I could sense him smiling. He started rubbing my arm, and I was almost instantly asleep.


"MATT!!!!" Hayes yelled as we walked in the hotel. Everyone started yelling at each other. "KATIE!" Kayla yelled. "CAROLINE!" Tyler yelled. I just stood there, feeling awkward as ever.

"I'll walk you to your room," Chad said grabbing my suitcases. I smiled and nodded in response. I followed him to the elevator and when we got to the room there was already stuff everywhere.

There were 4 rooms in a row. "You're in this one with Kayla, Katie, and Caroline. Tyler will be sleeping in Cameron's room because they're 18, and old enough to." he said.


I nodded and picked the bed in the back in the right corner. It looked like the two across were occupied, so I figured this one and the one next to me were for Kayla and me.

I sat down on my bed and put my bags at the end of it. Am I going to feel left out like this the whole time? I started scrolling through Twitter when 4 laughing girls walked in.

"There you are Kat!" Kayla said. I smiled. "Oh hi, I'm Katie." "I'm Caroline." They both sat on their beds.

Kayla walked over and sat on the empty bed. "I'm Kat," I finally said. The both smiled. "Right, you're best friends with Hayes?" Katie asked. I nodded.

"I'm dating Matt, the cute blonde one. And Caroline is dating Carter, the Asian," Katie said. I laughed.

"I'm dating Nash!" Kayla yelled. I smiled. "You're so pretty, Kat," Caroline said. I blushed. "Awh thank you! So are all are gorgeous!" I said. They all smiled.

"Let's go see what the boys are doing," Kayla said. We all got up and walked to their room.

The first room on the end was Chad, the second was Hayes, Nash, Matt, and Carter's room, then my room with the girls, then the other end was Cam and Tyler.

We walked in and the boy's were jumping around making vines and snapchats.

"Heey ladies!" Matt said, recording a snapchat. Hayes ran over to me, also recording a snapchat. "Hey best friend!" He said, squeezing to me. "Hi," I replied in a weird voice. We both started laughing.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Nash said. We all agreed and sat in a circle on the floor. I was sitting by Hayes and Kayla.

"Nash go first since this was your idea," Kayla said, shoving him a little. He smiled. "Hayes," oh great...

"Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss Kat on the cheek."

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