Chapter 16 | Funeral

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It's been a week since my dad passed. I've cut once since then but they've healed because I was too scared to cut deep.

Today is the day of my dad's funeral. A 14 year old girl should never have to go through this. It seems terrible to think "man, that would suck if my dad died" but when it really happens, it's like your whole world just shattered, and there's nothing else to live for.

My mom hasn't talked. She's been up and around, but she's not speaking. Which I have no problem with because I don't feel like talking either. Bre has just been crying. She's cried so much, it's hard to believe she hasn't lost all her tears or died of dehydration.

Bre walked into my room while I was staring out the window. "Time to get ready," she said hugging me. "I'm not ready," I whispered. "Me neither."

I sighed and got up. I hopped in the shower and stood there for awhile. I'm about to see my dad for the last time. Ever. I mean there's always heaven, but that's so far away. And who knows? What if there isn't such a thing? I know there is, in my heart, but...what if there isn't? I'll never see my dad's beautiful smile ever again.

I started crying and got out. I curled my hair and twisted the front back. I put on some mascara and eyeshadow. I walked over to my closet and put on my black lace dress. It stopped mid-knee. I put the half a heart necklace my dad got me around my neck.

FLASHBACK (The day my dad left; 2 years ago)

"Daddy, do you have to go?" I asked. "I'm afraid I do, but here is half a heart. I have the other half right here. I'll always have it with me. If you ever feel like you need me, just squeeze it and know I'm here for you." "I love you," I said, hugging him, tears running down my face. "I love you too Kat."


A tear slid down my cheek, remembering that day. I squeezed the heart and slipped on my black sandals and walked downstairs.

Bre's hair was straightened and she was wearing a black sundress with black flats. My mom was wearing a black, long sleeve dress that went down to above the knee.

I walked up to her, and hugged her. "This is gonna be hard for all of us, but I'm here for you guys no matter what," my mom said, hugging Bre and me. SHE TALKED! I smiled for the first time since the news. "I love you," I whispered. My mom kissed our foreheads and we left.

We got there at the same time as the Griers. Hayes walked up and hugged me. I hugged everyone else and we went inside. I was dreading this day.

I walked in and screamed. There he was. My dad. Dead. I dropped to my knees and buried my face in my hands. "DADDY! COME BAAAACK!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

My mom bent down and helped me up. I buried my face in her shoulder and cried, and cried, and cried. Everyone gathered around us in a big group hug. There was just one person missing.

My dad.

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