Chapter 18 | Tour

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I woke up the next morning next to Hayes. I looked around and I was at Megan's house...what happened?

I got out of bed and realized I was in skinny jeans and a sweatshirt with my hair up in a bun.

"Morning," I heard hayes say. I looked at him. "What happened?" I asked. He smiled. "You don't remember?" I shook my head.

"After your dad's funeral last night, you wanted Megan and that's it. You snuck a beer from her fridge and when we came downstairs, we realized you had already had three. You got really drunk, so we went up to her room and you fell asleep. I was gonna go home but you insisted on me staying with you because you were scared."

My eyes got big. "Don't worry, we didn't frickle frackle," hayes said. I smirked. How could I have gotten drunk though? I'm not that type of person.

We went downstairs and my mom, hayes mom, and Megan were all downstairs. "Let's go home, guys. It's already 3," my mom said. "Whoa, we slept that late?" I asked. Everyone nodded. I hugged Megan and thanked her for not telling them I was drunk and for letting me crash here. She's a lifesaver.

When we got back to my house, Hayes checked his phone and then sighed. I looked over at him. "You ok?" I asked. "No, they just released tour dates and I'm leaving in 3 days to go to Orlando." My jaw dropped.

"3 DAYS?" I yelled. Hayes nodded. I sighed.

My head started to hurt. "I'll be back, I have to take my medicine." I got up and walked to the kitchen. I tripped over something laying on the ground.

I looked down and saw Bre laying there. "Bre?" I asked. No response. "BRE!" I yelled. Again. No response. "What the..." I mumbled. I rolled her over and she was laughing.

"What the hell Bre!? I thought you were dead. What's your problem?" I yelled. Hayes walked in. "Hahaaaaaaaaa," she said in a high pitched voice. "Oh my god, you're high!" I laughed. "Shhhhhhhh," she slurred. I smiled. "Let's get you to bed, Bre." She nodded.

I walked by Hayes and gave him a weird look. He started laughing. I walked Bre upstairs and she fell asleep as soon as she hit her bed. I laughed and left.

I walked downstairs and Hayes was putting his shoes on. "Gotta go, my mom wants me home!" I nodded and he left.

I went up to my room and watched Netflix for the rest of the night until I fell asleep.

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