Chapter 13 | Daddy

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**Bres pov**

I woke up the next morning to my dad downstairs making bacon and eggs. "Goooood morning, sunshine!" He said smiling. "Morning." I walked over and hugged him.

I remember when Kat and I were little, he used to make us breakfast every morning. My dad is an amazing cook. He always said if he didn't join the military, he'd be a chef. I kinda wish he was a chef, so he'd be here all the time, but I know he's saving lives and protecting our country.

I sat down next to my mom and ate. My dad was standing at the bar and staring at me. "What?" I asked, blushing. "I just missed my beautiful girl." I smiled. "I missed you too, Dad."

"Can we go get Kat now?" I asked. My dad smiled and nodded and so did my mom. I went up to her room and picked out a cute outfit. It was a floral tanktop with white shorts. I grabbed her white vans and we left.

When we got to the hospital, my dad stayed outside and my mom and I went inside. "You ready to go home?" My mom asked. Kat nodded and smiled. "Let's get you dressed," I said. Kat nodded again and got out of bed. I went with her into the bathroom that was in her room. She put on the outfit I picked out for her. "Cute," she said. I smiled.

"Here," I said, handing her my mascara. She put it on and then brushed her hair. I helped her put her hair up in a topknot bun and we walked out.

"I'm gonna bring the car around," my mom said. I nodded and walked out to the lobby with Kat. "Can I hug you?" I asked. "Duh!" She replied. I smiled and squeezed her. "I love you Bre," she said. "I love you too Kat."

**Kats pov**

My mom walked back in and we walked outside. I could see a man standing in the parking lot with a bouquet. I looked a little closer and couldn't believe my eyes.

"DADDY!" I yelled. I ran up to him and jumped on him. I started crying. "I missed you so much!" I said. "I missed you too, Kat."

"Can I have a piggy back ride?" I asked, still crying. He laughed and bent down. I jumped on and he walked me to the car.

We got in and drove off. "Let's go to Starbucks!" I yelled. "Yaaaaaas!" Bre yelled. "Fine," my mom said laughing. We pulled into Starbucks and I went up to the counter with my dad.

"We're gonna go find a table, you know what I want?" My mom said. I nodded. "I want a vanilla bean frappe!" Bre hollered. I smiled and nodded.

"Hey guys, how can I help you?" The lady behind the counter asked. My dad said what everyone wanted except me. "What about you Kat?" My dad asked. "I'll have a cotton candy frappe," I said smiling. The lady smiled. We paid and took our drinks back to the table.

"How are you feeling, Kat?" My dad asked. "I'm good. My head hurts a little bit, but the doctor said that's normal, and it will hurt for about another week. Last night, the doctor told me that my medicine will make me really tired. So, I'll probably be going to bed at like 6 every night for awhile." I laughed and started drinking my frappe.

"I missed my ladies," my dad said, putting his arm around my mom. I smiled. "We missed you too," Bre said. My mom kissed my dad on the cheek. They were literally the cutest couple.

When we finished our Starbucks, we went back home. I went up to my room and sat down on my bed. I noticed mascara stains on my pillow. Geez. Cry much Bre? I laughed.

I sat down on my bed and my phone went off.

Hayes: Hey when you get home, come over. We need to hang out.

I smiled and texted back.

On my way now :)

I got up and went downstairs. "Can we go over to the Griers?" I asked. Everyone nodded and we walked over to their house. My dad knocked and Nash answered. "Come on in!" He said. "Hayes is upstairs in his room." I smiled and went upstairs.

Hayes door was shut so I knocked. "Come in!" He said. I opened up the door and walked in. He was sitting on his bed, scrolling through Twitter.

"No hug?" I asked, fake pouting. "Ugh, if I have to," he said. I smiled and ran over to him. We hugged for awhile and I sat down on his bed and grabbed his phone. "Don't you dare!" He yelled. I laughed.


I started cracking up. "annnnd tweet," I said pressing the tweet button. Hayes grabbed his phone and started laughing. "Batman? Really? You're not even funny." "Then why are you laughing Haysiepoo?" He blushed and I pushed him down and ran downstairs.

**Hayes pov**

"I'm gonna get you Kat!" I yelled, chasing her down the stairs. I could hear her laughing. "Let me get my swimsuit!" She yelled running into her house. About 5 minutes later she ran out with a mint green bikini top and white bottoms.

"Go change!" She yelled running out of her house. I laughed and ran upstairs. I put on my blue swim trunks and went outside. Everyone was in the pool.

Kat was on Cam's shoulders and Kayla was on Nash's. It was so cute watching them try to push each other off. Finally Kat pushed off Kayla.

Kat started singing. "We are the champions, my friiiieeends. And we'll keep on fightin till the end." Then Cam joined. "We are the champions, we are the champions."

Everyone started laughing. I hopped on the diving board and did a flip in. I splashed Kat. "Haaaayesss, my hair," Kat whined. "You look good babe," I said winking. I loved calling her that, it felt good.

"Let's play what you guys were playing! Kat get on my shoulders and let's verse Tyler and Cam," I said. Kat smiled and jumped up on my shoulders, and Tyler jumped on Cam's. I winked at Cameron and he nodded. I mouthed, "One, Two, Three." And we both threw Tyler and Kat off our shoulders. "Hey that's not fair!" Kat yelled. "Get over it, Kat!" I heard her dad yell. She looked up at him and stuck her tongue out. I laughed and hugged her.

**Kats pov**

"What was that for?" I asked. "Just wanted to," Hayes said smiling. I gave him a funny look and hopped out of the pool. "Daddy, go get your swim trunks and get in!" I yelled. He smiled.

He went inside, and came back out in red swim trunks. "CANNONBAAAALLL!" he yelled running into the pool. I started laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

Before I knew it, Chad came out and did a front flip into the pool. "Put me on your shoulders dad!" I yelled. He smiled. "Chad, put Hayes on yours!" I said. Hayes laughed and we started trying to push them off. Surprisingly, I won. I started laughing and teasing Hayes.

After everyone was done swimming, we went inside. I started getting really tired. "I'm tired," I said, leaning on my mom. "Go to bed honey," she said. "You can go sleep in my room, if you want," Hayes said. I nodded and went upstairs to his room. I laid down on his bed, and fell asleep.

About 4 hours later, Hayes came up. "Do you wanna stay the night?" He asked. "Your parents said you can if you don't wanna get up." I smiled and nodded. I got up and went to the floor. "No, you can have the bed," hayes said. I nodded and got in it.

"Hayes?" I said. "Yeah?" "You can come up and lay with me, if you want." I felt him crawl into the bed. I smiled, and before I knew it, I was asleep.

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