Chapter 22 | Truth or Dare

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"I dare you to kiss Kat on the cheek."

I could feel my face getting hot. Is it bad I want hayes to do this? I sighed.

**Hayes pov**

I can't believe I just got dared to kiss Kat on the cheek! I mean I want to but dang it nash...what if she doesn't want me to?

I looked over at her and she nodded. I smiled and went in for it. Her cheek was so soft. I could see her blushing and it made me smile.

"Alright you go, Hayes," Cam said.

I smirked. "Tyler, truth or dare?"


"Have you and Cameron done the frickle frackle?" Everyone started laughing but then went silent. Tyler started blushing and she looked mad.

"That's personal! What the heck Hayes? You can't just ask people that!" Tyler yelled. I suddenly got really embarrassed.

Cam smiled. "We haven't." I nodded and we moved on.

We played truth or dare for about another hour and then everyone went to their own rooms.

When everyone left, we all picked out our beds. My bed was next to Matt's, and Nash and Carter were across from us.

When I got on the bed, I grabbed a pillow and threw it at Nash.

"What the heck Hayes?"

"Why Nash? Why? Why would you dare me to kiss Kat?"

"Because I know you like her! And it was only the cheek so chill."

"Ugh! How would you have felt if I asked you and Kayla to make out in front of everyone?"

"I would do it, Kayla's hot bro. And plus, if she didn't want it...I wouldn't but Kat said it was okay. It's different. I did you a favor. Just accept it and move on."

I sighed and laid down on my bed. I plugged my phone in, rolled over, and went to sleep.


**Kats pov**
*while nash and hayes were fighting*

Kayla started squealing. "What?" I asked, rolling my eyes because I knew it was about Hayes.

"That was so cute Kat!" Katie said. I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, it was! I ship it so hard. You guys can be #Kayes!" Caroline said. I laughed. It did sound cute.

"Well I'm going to bed, we're going to Disney World tomorrow!" I said, trying to change the subject. Everyone agreed and Katie shut off the light. I laid down, and fell asleep.

***NEXT DAY***
**Hayes pov**

Everyone was in my room, except Kat. I had a reason though. Today, I was going to surprise her with something special. Really special. I just hope it goes right.

"Are you sure about this? Like what if it goes south?" Carter asked.

"It won't, trust me," I assured. Carter nodded. "Well, us girls are going to get her dolled up, we'll meet you guys there. Hayes, get ready," Kayla said. Kayla, Katie, and Caroline all left. This is gonna be great.

**Kats pov**

"KAT WAKE UP!" Kayla yelled, jumping on my bed. "KATTY WATTY!" Katie yelled, also jumping on my bed. (wut idek) "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" Caroline yelled, jumping on my bed.

I rolled my eyes and got up. I started unzipping my suitcase when Kayla yelled at me. "Pick something super cute!" I gave her a weird look and picked out a pale blue sundress with a tan belt.

I hopped in the shower, got out, and blow dried my hair. I curled it and put on some mascara. I put on the dress with tan sandals and we left.

We didn't ride with the boys, but when we got there, we met up but...Hayes wasn't with them.

"Where's Hayes?" I asked. Nash winked at me and handed me a piece of paper. Everyone ran away and I was left in the middle of Disney World...alone.

I opened up the paper to see a note.

Hi beautiful. You're probably wondering what the heck is going on. I'll explain. I'm sending you on a little scavenger hunt, and at the end there will be a big surprise. All you have to do is guess the clues and follow along. If at any time you need help, text Kayla. She will always answer. So here's your first clue... When we went to the fair a few months ago... We rode a ride together. It made me so happy and I remember you getting nervous when we were at the top. The ride is just to your right. Cut to the front of the line and you'll find Mickey. Say you're Kat, and he'll give you another clue. Good luck babe.

What the heck was he up to? I smiled and looked around. I saw the FERRIS WHEEL!

I cut to the front of the line and found Mickey Mouse! I ran up to him and smiled. "Hello there young lady!" He said "Hi, I'm Kat!" I said panting. "Ahh Kat, I believe this is for you," he said handing me a piece of paper. I smiled. "Thank you." I yelled walking to a nearby bench.

I sat down and opened the note.

Yay, you found your second clue! 2 more to go!! I'm just going to cut to the chase and give you the clue.. xoxo
Here's what you need to do...unscramble these letters and go to the nearest place that sells this.

CEI RECMA...? Oh my gosh! "ICE CREAM!" I accidentally yelled out loud. Everyone was staring at me and I awkwardly stood up.

I looked around and saw an ice cream shop! "Hi I'm Kat!" I said. "Alright Miss Kat, this is for you," the worker said, handing me cookies and cream ice cream on a cone. My favorite. "Annnnd this too," he said, handing me a note. I smiled. "Thanks!"

I started walking and I unfolded the note.

Wow you're good. After this, you'll have one more clue and then you'll get your surprise. You should be close to the next place, but just in case, call Kayla. Tell her exactly where you are, and she will help guide you. See you soon. xoxo

I blushed and called Kayla. She answered after about 2 rings. "Hello?" "Hey Kayla, I'm supposed to ask you for help on where to go." "Right, where are you now?" "Still by the ice cream stand." "Sweet, walk straight for a little bit and you'll see all of us!" "Okay, thanks!" I hung up and started walking.

I honestly have no idea what's going on. Not even a clue or a guess. I started walking a bit faster, and I finally say Kayla in her bright coral crop top. "KAYLA!" I yelled.

Everyone looked at me and rushed me in front of a stage. "Why a stage?" I asked. "Just take this," Tyler said, handing me a note. I smiled and opened it.

Well, you finally made it to the last clue. I hope you had fun on this little hunt thing. I need to be honest with you, Kat. I really like you...a lot. You're the most beautiful, sweetest, smartest, kindest, caring, awesomest girl I know. I know I might be taking a long shot here, and I hope you feel the same. I need to ask you something really important, Kat. Wanna know what it is? Say "Please"

"Please," I uttered.

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