Chapter 24 | First Event

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Blocked: Hey, it's Haylee. I saw a video on Instagram of Hayes asking you out and I saw that you said yes. You made a big mistake. People are saying they ship #Kayes more than #Hayeslee. I know where you're staying because it was originally my room. All I gotta say is watch your back... haha

All the sudden I couldn't breathe. I started shaking and I couldn't move. I felt Kayla crawl in my bed. "What's wrong bae?" She asked. "Nothing...just a bad dream," I lied.

"Okay, night. I'm here if you wanna talk," she said, walking back to her bed. I rolled over and pulled the blankets over my head.

I woke up to my alarm going off. Everyone was still asleep so I got up and hopped in the shower. I didn't get much sleep last night, I could just think of that text. What does she mean by "watch your back"?

After I was done in the shower, I walked out and Katie ran in. Then Kayla. Then Caroline.

I plugged in my straightener by a mirror and started brushing my hair. "What was your dream about last night?" Kayla asked. "," I said. "Oh, aw," Kayla said. I sighed and started straightening my hair.

When I was done, I put on some mascara and eyeliner. I put on a black long sleeve crop top and a floral skirt. I put on a long necklace with a cross charm and my black vans.

Kayla was wearing a royal blue tanktop and black leggings with white crosses and black sandals. Her hair was wavy with a royal blue bow in the back to match her shirt.

Katie was wearing a coral tanktop tucked into black lace shorts with black converse. Her hair was straightened with the front french braided back.

Caroline was wearing a plan white crop top and bright red skinny jeans with white converse. Her long brown hair was curled with a red magcon beanie on top of it.

Tyler came in our room wearing a pastel color tribal print crop top and pastel pink skinny jeans with white sandals. Her hair was curled and the front was french braided back.

We all looked really cute.

We went down to the lobby and met up with the boys. I ran up behind Hayes and hugged him. He turned around and his eyes went big.

"Well don't you look cute?" He said. I blushed and smiled. "You look even cuter!" I said, hugging him. He was wearing a gray magcon sweatshirt and khaki pants with gray vans.

"We're both wearing vans!" He said. "TWINS!" I yelled. Hayes smiled and grabbed my hand and we walked out to the limo. I sat next to Hayes and Kayla was beside me, then Nash. Across from us was Cam, Tyler, Katie, Matt, Carter, and Caroline. "You can meet the rest of the boys at the event!" Hayes said. I smiled and nodded.


When we got to the event, we walked into a room filled with 8 other crazy boys.

"Let me introduce you," Hayes said, grabbing my hand.

"This is Jack and Jack. This one is Jack Gilinsky, and this one is Jack Johnson," Hayes said. "Gilinsky, Johnson, got it." "This is my girlfriend, Kat," Hayes said smiling. I waved and we moved on.

"This is Aaron Carpenter, this is Dillon Rupp, and this is Taylor Caniff." I smiled and waved and Hayes introduced me.

"This is Shawn Mendes and Jacob Whitesides." "Oh yeah, I've seen you guys on YouTube. You guys are crazy talented," I said. They smiled. "So are you!" Shawn said. I gave him a funny look. "What?" "We saw that vine Nash put up of you singing in the car," Jacob said. "Ohh yeah," I replied, rolling my eyes.


After the event we all went back to the hotel. The Jacks, Shawn and Jacob got a room together which was connected to Aaron, Taylor, and Dillon's room.

It was pretty late by the time we got back so we all ordered pizza and ate it in The Jacks' room.

"Excuse me, I need to use the restroom," I said to Kayla. I got up and ran to our room because I really just wanted to check my phone. I saw it vibrate while I was eating and I saw it was another text from Haylee, and I didn't wanna check it in there.

"I wouldn't go to tomorrow's event if I were you...your heart might just break."

My jaw drop and I could feel myself start to tear up. Why is this happening? I texted Hayes.

"Not feeling too well, decided to go to bed. Tell kayla for me. Love u <3"

I changed into sweatpants and a tshirt and put my hair up in a messy bun. I plugged my phone in and cuddled up under my blankets.

I'm actually really scared.

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