Chapter 12 | I Missed You So Much

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"What's up babe?" She asked. I smiled and ran over to her. "I missed you so much, it hurt," I said, starting to cry. I hugged her and she told me to not hug so tight.

"Don't feel bad, she told me the same thing," Bre said. I laughed and let go.

**Kats pov**

It's kinda weird seeing Hayes. I don't think he realizes I heard what he said to me 2 nights ago. I know I grabbed his hand, but the doctors said sometimes people just do that when they're unconscious.

I didn't know Hayes felt that way about me...and the weird thing is...I feel the same. Hayes said he loved me, but I wonder if he's "in love" with me.

I wanna ask, but if he's not..that might ruin our friendship. I think I'll just play it off like I didn't hear anything.

"How long till I get outta here?" I asked. "Tomorrow, honey," my mom said walking over to me. "Bre and I are gonna head out, we'll come see you later babe. We need to get some food," my mom added, hugging me. I nodded and hugged Bre. "See ya later!" I called as they walked out.

**Bres pov**

I'm so happy Kat's alive. I missed her so much. "Hey, why'd we have to leave? They serve food at the hospital you know?" I asked. "I'm so tired of hospital food, Bre. You can't tell me you aren't," my mom replied. I giggled.

"Oh, do you have some friends here?" My mom asked. "I don't think so," I said shaking my head. I looked at our driveway and there was a bright red car. "That's a nice car though, I want it," I said. My mom laughed. I never got to have a car of my own because when I turned 16, my dad was in the military and my mom couldn't afford it on her own.

"Someone is in our house, Bre." "It can't be anyone bad.. It probably is just one of my friends coming to say they're happy for me because Kat's okay." My mom nodded and we walked inside.

I couldn't believe it. Sitting on the staircase! I screamed and ran over to him. He stood up and picked me up and spun me around. I started bawling my eyes out.

He put me down and walked over to my mom and picked her up and kissed her. It was so cute. "Daddy, what are you doing here?" I asked, hugging him again. "I was video-chatting your mom a few nights ago and she told me what happened to Kat. When we hung up, I told my sergeants, and they said I can come home for 4 days, then I have to go back.

"Daddy, I missed you so much," I said, hugging him for about the fifth time.

He smiled at me. "When does Kat come home?" He asked. "Tomorrow," my mom said. He sighed. "Should I go see her now?" He asked. I shook my head. "Surprise her when she comes home," I said. He nodded.

"Let's go see the Griers," he said. I laughed. We all walked over to their house. I knocked and Chad answered. "NEAL!" he yelled, pulling my dad into a hug. My dad and chad have been best friends since elementary school.

I could see Nash running down the stairs. "Well if it isn't Mr Hamilton," my dad said, hugging Nash. "Hmm Hamilton, I like that," Kayla said laughing. Nash gave her a funny look. "And who is this fine lady?" my dad asked. "I'm Kayla." "She's my girlfriend!" Nash said, putting his arm around her.

We walked into the living room and Elizabeth and Skylynn were playing barbies. Elizabeth looked up and her jaw dropped. "Neal, oh my gosh," she said, hugging him. Skylynn jumped up. "Hey, you're the guy who taught me how to go potty when I was only two!" She said. How did she remember that?

My dad laughed. "Yep that's me!" Everyone started laughing.

"I missed you Daddy," I said. "I missed you more, Bre." I started crying and hugged him for what seemed like forever.

**Hayes pov**

*at the hospital*

"Well, I'm tired, so you can stay and watch me sleep, or leave," Kat said laughing. I smiled. "Sleep tight, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you," I dropped my jaw. That wasn't supposed to come out.

She blushed. "Love you too, Grier." I smiled and left. "That was cute," Tyler said. I just smiled and looked out the window.

When we walked in everyone was in the living room. Someone hopped up off the couch. It looked like Kat's dad. No way. He's in the military, and has been for 2 years. He doesn't come home till Christmas.

"HAYSIE POO!" He yelled, walking over to me. I started laughing. Kat used to call me that when we were like 4, and Neal called me that ever since. "I missed you, oh my gosh," I said, hugging him. "I missed you too bud." I started tearing up a little bit.

"Does Kat know?" I asked. "No, and she won't till tomorrow, you got me?" I nodded.

**Bres pov**

We all stayed at the Griers for the rest of the day and most of the night. They had a big backyard with a huge deck and a massive pool. Nash, Kayla, Cam, Tyler, and Hayes were all swimming. I was sitting on the couch type thing on the deck with my dad. I laid my head on the side, and put my feet across him. Before I knew it, I was asleep. It was nice to do this again with my dad. I really missed him.


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