Chapter 25 | The Kiss

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I woke up to Hayes shaking me.

"Baby, wake's time to go to the event."

I sighed and shook my head. "'My stomach hurts Hayes, I don't think I can go to this one," I lied. Hayes looked disappointed and I felt really bad.

"I'm sorry you're not feeling well, get better princess," Hayes said, kissing my forehead. I smiled and nodded and he left.

I sat up and watched Katie, Caroline, and Kayla get ready. When they left I turned on Netflix and started watching Pretty Little Liars. I got through the first 2 seasons when my phone went off. Please don't be Haylee. I sighed and grabbed my phone and saw it was Megan. Thank god. I miss her so much.

I unlocked my phone and saw she sent me a picture with a message that read:
You're never gonna believe what is all over Twitter and Instagram. I'm so sorry Kat. Ilysm

I furrowed my eyebrows and clicked on the picture. NO. WAY. ITS HAYLEE AND HAYES!! HAYLEE WAS SITTING ON HAYES LAP AND THEY WERE...KISSING!

My jaw dropped and I burst into tears. That's why she said don't go to the event! How could she do this? How could he do this? Why can I never be happy? Why does somebody always have to mess stuff up? Why does everything bad always happen to me? "I WANT MY DAD!" I screamed, not caring how loud because I'm alone.

I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I slammed the door and looked in the mirror. "He didn't mean to kiss her...he's too sweet," I said to myself. "But, then again he seemed so upset when I didn't go to the event," I said back, like I was having a conversation with myself.

I let out a huge sigh and walked back out and crawled into my bed. I grabbed the stuffed panda Hayes won me at the fair, off my bed and threw it across the room.

I laid down and pulled the blankets over my face and fell asleep. I wasn't going to wake up for anyone. I'd wake up when I wanted to. I couldn't wait to go back home.

**Sorry for such a short chapter, but it's about to get intense omg I'm so excited! I hope you guys are liking it so far ily : )**

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