Chapter 44 | Back to Best Friends

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The next morning I woke up to Kayla putting on her makeup.

"Please tell me you can go today," Kayla said. I smiled and nodded. "Thank god," she said, sounding relieved.

I got up and hopped in the shower. When I got out I straightened my hair and put on a mint green crop top with a pocket on the boob and white shorts. I put on my white converse (as usual) and we all left.


I was backstage, eating some pretzels when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Kat," I heard it say. I turned around and saw Austin, who embraced me in a hug. I awkwardly hugged him back and then pulled away.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "I came to see you," he said. I blushed. "I have a boyfriend Austin," I said. He nodded. "I know, I'm actually here because I'm a special gue-"

Taylor's voice came over the microphone from the stage. "We have a very special guest for you guys!" He yelled. The crowd screamed. "Please welcome... AUSTIN MAHONE!" Taylor yelled. The crowd roared.

Austin ran onto the stage. I stayed behind, eating some more pretzels.


The show finally ended and it was time to go back to the hotel. We were going back home tomorrow.


When we got back to the hotel, we all went into the boys' room and started recording vines and stuff. There was a knock on the door, and Austin walked in. Why is this kid everywhere? I sighed and acted like I didn't notice him walking in and started scrolling through Twitter.

I looked up and Hayes sat next to me, pulling Austin next to him.

"This is Austin, Austin Mahone," Hayes said. I nodded. "We've met," I said. Austin smiled. "You're one lucky boy," he said. I could feel my face getting hot, so I looked away. Hayes gave him a look like "bro back off she's mine" and I smiled with satisfaction even though Austin was pretty cute. Stop it Kat. You're dating Hayes.

"I'm gonna go get a water bottle from the vending machine downstairs," I said, patting Hayes on the knee. He nodded and I left.

I got my water and turned around to go back upstairs when I ran into Austin.

"Look Austin, you're super sweet and cute, but I'm dating Hayes, please quit trying to like hit on me because I'm not having it... sorry. Maybe if I was single."

I walked around him and walked off. (daMN harsh kAT)

I walked back in the room and sat by Hayes, like nothing happened.

"Where's Austin?" I asked. Like I don't know. He's probably crying in his room.

"I dunno," Hayes said.

I nodded and we started just talking.


(a/n idk where to go with this so there all back home now. sorry if it's confusing but yeah so everyone is back in north carolina okok)


I walked into my room and checked my phone and saw I had a text from Mason. I haven't talked to him since I found out about him and Haylee. I smiled because I missed him. He was my best friend.

Mason☺️: hey kat. long time no see. I miss u, wanna go get some ice cream?

Kat😻: I could go for some ice cream, meet u there in 20 minutes? :)

Mason☺️: see u then😛

I walked over to my closet and threw on a sweatshirt and some shorts with my white converse and walked to the ice cream place since it was really close and I'm only 14 and can't drive.

When I got there, I saw Mason sitting inside. I sat down in the seat across from him and smiled.

"I got your favorite, cookies and cream," Mason said, pushing the cup towards me. I smiled.

"Thanks loser," I said. He smiled.

"So how are you and Hayes?" He asked.

"We're great actually! No drama or fights since we got back together."

Mason nodded.

"How are you and Haylee?" I asked.

Mason rolled his eyes.

"She's so clingy. Like she won't leave me alone. And she's hella creepy. Like she sent me a screenshot of her lock screen and it was one of my selfies off instagram... and it was from like 3 months ago. And like she goes through and likes ALL my pictures and comments weird things. She's weird Kat."

I laughed.

"Did you block her?" I asked.

"Hell yeah I did!" Mason said-yelled. I snorted, which made Mason crack up.

"Shutup," I pouted.

We finished our ice cream and left. When we were walking home, it was awkward and silent for a little bit.

"Can we go back to being best friends? I really miss you," I said. Mason smirked.

"Yes! I was gonna say the same thing. That's why I wanted to come here because I wanted things to go back to the way they were. I'm sorry I stopped talking to you. I just thought it was best, but now I know it's not."

I smiled. When we got to my house I hugged Mason.

"Do you need Bre to give you a ride?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No my brother is picking me u-"

A car horn honked.

"He's here. Bye buttface!" Mason yelled, walking towards his brother's car.

"Bye lameo!" I yelled back.

(is that even a word? idk)


this chapter sucked so bad I'm sorry but idk what to write. this is kinda like a filler chapter.

should I start doing qotc?

like I could do

qotc: favorite color?
aotq: pink

and then you guys answer them in the comments idk



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