Chapter 5 | The Movies

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"Look, Kat's here, let's sit with her!" Haylee said. I rolled my eyes and looked at Bre who was giving Hayes a really dirty look. "Can we?" Hayes asked. "Whatever," I said shrugging my shoulders. Hayes sat down and turned to me. "Can we go talk?" Hayes asked. I nodded and stood up.

We walked out to the lobby. "Wow, really Hayes? You make plans with me, then cancel because you make plans with Haylee, doing the thing we were gonna do. How could you?" "Kat, I'm so sorry. Haylee told me some amazing news this morning, and I'm so happy I just had to spend time with her."

I gave him a weird look. "What news?" Hayes smiled really big. "HAYLEE IS MOVING TO NORTH CAROLINA, IN THIS TOWN." My jaw dropped. "Oh, well, I'm gonna go back in the theatre now and find a new seat, and you have fun with your girlfriend."

I walked back in the theatre and found Bre. "Let's move down there," I said pointing to the bottom rows of the theatre. She nodded and we went down there.

When the movie finally ended, I hurried up and ran outside to Bre's car. I didn't want to even see Hayes. How could he do this? He cancelled our plans, to see Haylee more. Now, she's moving here? I'm never gonna get to see him. I hate this. I hate Haylee. I-I hate him.

On the way home, I told Bre everything. "Wow, what a jerk," she said. I nodded. "Right?"

We finally got home and I went upstairs to my room. I walked over to my keyboard and started playing and singing Sweater Weather. My phone was blowing up. I walked over to it and I had 32 messages, 6 missed FaceTime calls, and 17 missed calls... all from Hayes. I ignored them all and went back to my keyboard.

Someone started knocking on the door. I rolled my eyes, I knew it was Hayes. I decided to go down and answer it.

"Hey," Hayes said. "What do you want?" I asked. "Haylee signed up for a cheer team awhile back, and she has practice all day tomorrow... so do you want to go to the mall?" I shrugged. "Are you gonna ditch me again?" Hayes shook his head. "Nope, I promise!" I smiled. "Sounds fun."

Hayes left and I went upstairs and told Bre. She started laughing. "If he ditches you, I'm gonna knock his teeth out!" She said. "Oh trust me, I'll help," I started laughing and went to my room.

**2 hours later**

My mom was finally home. I ran downstairs and hugged her. "Can I go to the mall tomorrow with Hayes?" She laughed. "Of course you can sweetie."

I decided not to tell her about him ditching me today. "I ordered a pizza on my way home, it should be here soon," she said. "Yum!" Bre said running down the stairs. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. I hopped up on the counter.

My mom walked over and hugged me. "You look so much like your dad, Kat." she said. I smiled. My dad joined the army when I was 4, and he comes home every two years pretty much. I haven't seen him for almost three though.

I could see my mom start to tear up. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead. Finally the doorbell went off and the pizza was here.

We all sat at the table and started eating. "Hey mom, Callie just texted me and said I can go over to her house, can I?" Bre asked. My mom nodded and Bre went upstairs, grabbed some pajamas and left.

Callie and Bre are best friends, and have been for as long as I can remember. Callie's dad is in the army too, and that seems to bring them a lot closer.

"You ready for bed yet? I know I am," my mom said, putting her plate in the sink. I nodded and hugged her. "Night mom, I love you." "Night Kat, I love you more." I laughed. "I love you most."

I ran upstairs and changed into a pink nike shirt and black athletic shorts. I plugged my phone in and went to bed.

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