Chapter 10 | Please don't Leave Me

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**Hayes pov**

I woke up and my mom took me to the hospital. I walked into Kat's room, and she was standing up, packing her bag. "HAYES!" She yelled, jumping into my arms. "I've missed you so much," I cried into her shoulder.

I woke up to my mom shaking me. I sat up and hugged her. I started crying. "What's wrong babe?" She asked. "I just had a dream where Kat was alive and healthy and we hugged. I miss her so much," I said. "Let's go see her," my mom replied. I nodded and changed into khaki shorts and a blue magcon tshirt.

When we got to the hospital, Jenny and Bre were both in the lobby crying. I started freaking out. Did she die? Oh lord, I hope not. Please no.

I walked over and sat by Bre. "Everything ok?" I asked, rubbing her back. "Hopefully," Jenny said, "she's starting to wake up, but that big machine in there has been keeping her breathing. They're about to take her off of it, and if she is breathing fine without it, she can go home in the next day or two, but if she isn't breathing fine, she's going to p-pass away."

She buried her face in her hands, and Bre ran outside. "IM GOING HOME!" She yelled. She could drive, so she drove home.

**Bre's pov**

I couldn't take it anymore. The fact that in the next few hours, my sister could be dead, is making me sick. Kat isn't just a sister to me, she's my best friend, and I wouldn't be the person I am if it wasn't for her.

When I got home I ran to her room, shut the door, and locked it. I laid down on her bed and put my face in her pillows. Her bed wasn't was just the way she left it when she went outside to see Hayes. She really loved that kid.

I started crying. I cried until I fell asleep. I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked at the clock...I had been sleeping for 4 hours. I looked at my phone and my mom was calling. This is it. This could either be the best or worst news of my life.

I was shaking. I picked up my phone and clicked answer. "Hello?"

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