Chapter 48 | Grace

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**Hayes pov**

**a week before hayes comes back**

"Let's go to the beach!" all the girls said.

"Alright!" All the boys cheered. I just shrugged. I've been bummed all tour. I miss Kat so much.

"Come on Hayes, cheer up! We all miss Kat," Kayla said.

I nodded.

"I need something to get my mind off the fact that I'm not with her, so I'll go," I said.

I changed into swim trunks and we all walked to the beach.


"I'm gonna go get some ice cream!" I yelled, jogging over to the ice cream shop that was on the beach.

"What can I get for you today?"

I looked up and choked.

"U-um I'll have a v-vanilla ice c-cream," I stuttered. Holy shit. This girl was gorgeous.

"Coming right up!"

"So how old are you?" I asked.

"I'm 14, this is my parent's business, so I work here sometimes. Unpaid. It seriously sucks."

I laughed.

"I'm 14 too!"

"Cool, how come I never see you around? Did you just move here?"

I shook my head.

"No, I'm part of a thing called Magcon. We're here on tour."

"Ohhh my sister LOVES you guys!!"

"Oh and you don't?"

"Haha, I don't really obsess over things... except for one direction. That's a different story."

I laughed.

"So how old is your sister?" I asked.

"She's 14, we're twins. Her name is Hadley."

"What's your name?"

"I'm Grace."

She smiled, showing her braces.

"I'm Hayes."

She handed me my ice cream.

"That'll be $1."

"See you sometime," i said. I paid and jogged away.


"Can we go to the beach?" I asked Nash. I really wanted to see Grace again.

"Yeah, sounds fun," Nash nodded in agreement.

I created a group chat of all of the people from the group.

Hayes😍❤️: beach today?

Everyone texted back a yes.


When we got to beach, I walked up to the ice cream shop.

I saw Grace.

"Hey pretty lady."

Grace turned around and squealed.

"Oh my god! You're Hayes Grier! And you just called me pretty! OMG! OMG OMG!"


This must be Hadley.

"Haha that's me," I said awkwardly.

"Can I have a hug??" She asked.

"Of course!" I said.

She hopped over the counter and jumped on me. I picked her up and spun her around.

"Wanna take a selfie and be on my snapchat story?" I asked.

She squealed and nodded.

We took a silly picture and I typed "babe😍"

"Love you!" She called, hopping back over the counter.

"Love you more," I said.

She just smiled and blushed.

"Where's your sister Grace? I met her yesterday."

"Umm I think she's out there tanning," Hadley said and gasped when she looked out towards the water.

"You okay?" I asked, laughing.

"Oh my god, are all the boys here?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Yep. The whole team."

She squealed.

"Can I go meet them??" She asked.

"Of course!" I said. This time she ran around the counter.

"Get on!" I said, leaning over.

She hopped on my back and I ran to the boys.

"Hi guys!" She called. All the boys swarmed her, taking pictures and snapchats.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Grace.

"Hey!" I said, pulling her into a hug.

"Heyyy, I was hoping you'd come back."

I smiled.

"Hey, come here tonight at 8. The sun sets and it's so pretty," she said.

I smiled and nodded.

"I'll be there."


I put on a blue magcon tshirt and khaki shorts.

I walked out of the hotel, and walked to the beach, since it wasn't that far away.

Grace was sitting on the beach in a floral sundress. Her brown hair was curled and she was sitting with her legs stretched out, crossed.

"Grace!" I called.

She hopped up and hugged me.

"Come sit," she said, pulling me to where she was sitting.

We sat and waited for the sun to set, and talked.

"Oh it's setting!" She said excitedly. I smiled and turned to face it.

It lit her face up.

Man. Was she beautiful or what?

I turned to face her, and she looked over at me.

Before I knew it, I was leaning in, and then we kissed.

(dammit hayes. y u gotta do this?)

I felt my phone vibrate and saw I had a text.. From Kat.




"I have to go," I said.

"What? Why?"

"I just do, bye."

I ran away and ran straight back to the hotel. What have I done?

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