Chapter 30 | Break up

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"Kat, we're landing, wake up," I heard Tyler whisper. I woke up and realized I had slept the whole plane ride.

We all got off the plane and it was time to go our separate ways. I ran over to Katie and Caroline. "KATIE!" I yelled, hugging her tight. Caroline and Kayla started hugging tight, and then we switched. "See you guys next time!" Katie yelled. They walked to one limo and I walked to Chad's van with Kayla, Tyler, Cam, Nash, and Hayes.

We all sat like we did the first time, and we were off...back to North Carolina.


When we got to my house, I hopped out of the van. I smiled at Hayes but he just looked away. I sighed and walked into my house.

As soon as I got in my house, Bre jumped on me. "KAT!" She yelled. I started laughing. My mom came running down the stairs and hugged me. "I missed you guys so much!" I said.

"I'm gonna go put my bags in my room and I'm gonna change. Brb!" I yelled, running upstairs.

I walked in my room and saw Megan sitting in my bean bag. "Megs!" I squealed, hugging her. "How was the trip?" She asked. I sighed. "Not good."

"Let me change, and I'll explain everything."

I walked in my closet and put on black yoga pants from Pink and a pink tshirt for my school's volleyball team.

I walked out and sat on my bed. "Talk to me sista," Megan said.

"Okay, so Haylee has been texting and harassing me and at the event, there was one I didn't go to and she kissed Hayes at the one. So, at a party I went up to her and told her she's making herself look like a slut and all that and told her to back off Hayes. Well, Hayes got all pissed and went to comfort her and put his arm around her and all that and then some paparazzi or whatever took a picture of them. Anyways, this morning I had a huge fight with Hayes about how it's messed up he's comforting him when she's the one who cheated on him and she's harassing me. And he told me I'm acting like a bitch and said he doesn't want someone like that as his girlfriend...but we didn't break up because I asked. But I don't know, I'm so confused."

"Wow, tough break," Megan said. "Yeah no kidding."

"I know we just started talking and all that, but I really wanna go to bed," I said. Megan agreed and she crawled in bed with me.

(It's not weird, all girls do this)


The next morning, I woke up to Megan usual. I giggled and hopped out of bed. I pulled my long blonde hair up into a messy bun and went downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the Orange juice out of the fridge. I turned around to set it on the island, and saw Hayes sitting outside on my front porch. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion and walked outside.

"Hayes?" I kinda whispered. He jumped and turned around. "We need to talk," he said. I nodded and walked over and sat down beside him. "What's up?" I asked.

"Look, I didn't mean what I said when I said I don't want that type of girl as my girlfriend. I just meant I don't want a bitch as my girlfriend. But you're not one, you were just acting like one," Hayes said. I started feeling really awkward.

"I know things are kinda rocky right now, but do you wanna come over? We can play video games," Hayes suggested. I nodded in agreement. "Megan is over though. She'll be leaving soon. I'll come over when she leaves." Hayes nodded and walked back to his house. Was this his way of apologizing?

I walked back inside and hopped in the shower. When I got out, I pulled my hair pack into a french braid. I put on a white tanktop that said CALI in black letters and black shorts. I slid on my all black vans and ran over to Megan and woke her up.

"Wake up! I need you to leave so I can go over to Hayes house!" I yelled. We started laughing and she called her mom. She left and I ran over to Hayes house.

I knocked and Hayes answered. "I have cod set up," Hayes said. "But I wanna play Just Daaaaance," I whined. Hayes laughed and pulled me into a hug. "We can play that after." I nodded and we ran upstairs to his room.

After about 30 minutes of playing cod, I paused it. "Kaaaaaat," Hayes whined. "I need to use the potty," I said in a little kid voice. Hayes laughed and I ran to the bathroom.

I walked back into Hayes room to see he was texting someone. When he saw me, he locked his phone real fast and threw it on the ground. "I gotta go potty now," he said. When he left his phone vibrated. Since it was right next to me, I just happened to look down. Oh my gosh.

Haylee😊: Aw, I miss you too😘

I gasped. Why is he texting Haylee and why is she sending kissy faces? Hayes walked back in and sat down in his bean bag. I couldn't help myself, I had to get to the bottom of this.

"Hayes... why are you texting Haylee?" I asked. "What?" "Your phone vibrated, and I looked down and saw it was Haylee and she said miss you too with a kissy face." "I was just trying to make her feel better. I love you Kat. Why don't you trust me?" Hayes said-yelled.

"Because stuff like this keeps happening, Hayes! It's really hard to trust you when shit like this keeps on happening."

"You know what Kat, if you can't trust me, maybe we just shouldn't be dating anymore," Hayes yelled. I could feel a tear roll down my cheek. "Maybe.." I whispered, and ran outside straight to my house. I ran upstairs to my room, slammed my door, locked it, and threw myself on my bed and buried my face in my pillows, and I bawled my eyes out.

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