Chapter 19 | Come with Me

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I woke up and checked my phone. I had a text from Hayes.

"Let's go to the park today :)"

I smiled and replied.

"Okay, I'll text u after my shower :)"

I jumped out of bed and hopped in the shower. After my shower I blow dryed my hair and put it up in a messy bun. I put on a little bit of mascara and ran to my closet. I put on skinny jeans and a crewneck sweatshirt that said Hakuna Matata on it. I slid on my black vans and texted Hayes.

"On my way to your house :)"

When I got to his house, he was sitting outside on the porch. "Ready doll face?" I blushed and nodded.

When we got to the park, Hayes pointed to a really tall tree. "Let's climb that!" He said pointing. I sighed and nodded. I hope I don't fall.

I climbed up and Hayes was right behind me. I finally got to the top and sat in a little opening next to Hayes.

I started swinging my dangling feet and accidentally kicked Hayes. I blushed when he wrapped his leg around mine.


Hayes phone went off. I looked down, just out of curiosity and saw it was a text from...oh gosh...Haylee.

**Hayes pov**

I looked down and saw I had a text from Haylee. I sighed. We haven't talked since I broke up with her at the mall for being with that guy. I decided to see what she said.

"Hi Hayes. I've been thinking. I really miss you. Luke, the guy I was with, was a total jerk. All he ever wanted to do was kiss me and stuff. I'm so sorry for what I did to you, and I know you've probably moved on but I just want you to know that it won't happen again. Please give me a second chance. I still love you so much."

I sighed. Was she telling the truth? Or was she just wanting me back for fame? I decided to ignore it and I put my phone back in my pocket. I could see Kat smiling out of the corner of my eye when I did that, which made me smile.

"So Kat, guess what?" I asked, nudging her. "What?" She said, scooting into me. I smiled. "How would you like to go to Orlando with me?"

**Kat's pov**

"Are you sure you want ME to go?" I asked, thinking about Haylee. Hayes nodded. "I'm positive Kat." I blushed.

"Is that a yes?" He asked. "Duh, it's a yes! Are you kidding me?" I started laughing, and so did Hayes.

"Great! I already asked your mom, and she's totally cool with it," Hayes said. I looked up at him and smiled.

"You're not so bad Grier," I said, punching him on the shoulder. He laughed and put his arm around me.

I cuddled into him, and we just sat there until the sky faded to dark.

"Have we been here all day?" Hayes asked. I nodded. "I guess so." Hayes jumped down and I watched in awe. I was too scared.

"I'll catch you!" Hayes yelled. I nodded and jumped into his arms. He caught me bridal style. I smiled and looked up at him. I stared into his beautiful blue eyes.

He put me down and we walked home. I felt Hayes grab my hand. "Is this okay?" He asked. I nodded and blushed. When we got to our houses, we hugged and went inside.

"Night Kat!" Hayes yelled. "Night Grier!"

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