Chapter 20 | Girls Day

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We leave tomorrow for Orlando. I got out of bed and went downstairs. My mom was making pancakes and bacon. I smiled and grabbed a piece of bacon.

I sat down at the bar and started eating it. "Wow, this is delicious mom," I said. She smiled. "Thanks sweetheart."

I finished the piece of bacon and pulled my hair back into a ponytail.

"So are you going to Orlando still?" My mom asked. I nodded. She smiled. "Just be careful, baby," she said, hugging me. I nodded. "Of course."

Bre came down and sat at the table. We all ate our breakfast and talked. It was nice.

"Mom, listen to this joke Nash told me yesterday!" I said. My mom nodded.

"When I grow up I want to open up a store next to Forever 21, and I'll call it Finally 22."

Everyone started dying of laughter, including me.

When I finished eating, I put my stuff in the sink and started walking upstairs. "I'm gonna go pack!" I yelled.

I got to my room and grabbed my suitcase. I threw it on my bed and opened it. I started packing in shorts, tanktops, sweatshirts, tshirts, jeans, leggings, a few dresses, swimsuits, sweatpants, socks, and undergarments.

I closed the suitcase and grabbed my other one. I threw it on my bed and opened it. I filled it with converse, vans, and sandals.

I'm going to pack my hair stuff, makeup, and face wash tomorrow since I have to use it. I put my suitcase by my bedroom door and walked back downstairs.

Tyler and Kayla were standing by the door. "Oh hey guys," I said, hugging them. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Wanna go to the mall with us for a girl's day?" Kayla asked. I smiled and nodded. "Can I go change?" "Yeah, of course," Tyler replied. "You guys can come up!" I said, motioning upstairs.

"Whoa...your room is so tumblr," Kayla said, walking into my room. I smiled. "Thaaaanks bae." I walked over to my closet and grabbed high waisted skinny jeans and a black crop top with a white 5sos logo on it.

I walked into the bathroom and put my hair into a side fishtail braid. I put on some mascara and walked back out. I slid on my white hightop converse and walked over to Kayla and Tyler.

"How do I look?" I asked. "Cute!" Tyler said. I smiled. "Yeah adorable! I love 5 seconds of summer!" Kayla said. "Yaaaassss!" I yelled.

We all laughed and ran downstairs. Tyler is the only one who can drive, so she drove us to the mall. Kayla and I sat in the back. Tyler started blaring 5 seconds of summer. And we all started singing.


We got to the mall and ran inside. "OMG Starbucks!" Kayla yelled, running to it. Tyler and I laughed and followed.

"I'll have a venti pumpkin spice latte," Kayla said. "I'll have a venti cotton candy frappe," I ordered. "I'll have a grande vanilla bean frappe," Tyler ordered. We all paid and got a table.

"So are you and Hayes like together?" Tyler asked. I choked on my Starbucks and laughed. "Nooooo." "Do you wanna be?" Kayla asked. I could feel my face getting hot. "Oh my gosh Kat! YOU DO!" Tyler yelled. "Shhhh, don't say it so loud," I whispered. Kayla squealed.

"Don't tell him guys...please!" I whined. "Promise," Kayla and Tyler said at the same time. I smiled and we all went shopping.

We went into Pacsun and tried on a bunch of clothes and took selfies in the fitting room mirror. I posted one on Instagram and captioned it "day with my girls😘"

Kayla posted a picture of us from Forever 21 and captioned it "Favorite girls💖"

Tyler posted a collage of our picture from Pacsun, Forever 21, our Starbucks, and a picture of us that we had someone take and captioned it "love these beautiful ladies to the moon and back💘"

My Instagram started blowing up with follows and likes. I already had about 32k because I was best friends with hayes, but now I have 47k, just from those 2 posts, because I was with Nash and Cam's girlfriends. People are crazy.

When we were done shopping, they dropped me off at my house. "Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" I yelled. "See you tomorrow, ily!" Kayla yelled. "Love you!" Tyler yelled.

I ran inside and straight to my mom's room. "Can we order pizza?" I asked, jumping on her bed. She laughed. "Sure." I smiled. "YAY!"

When the pizza got here, I ate with my mom in her room since Bre was at a friend's house. I cuddled up with my mom and we watched movies until I eventually fell asleep.

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