Chapter 17 | Definition of a Hero

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"Neal's daughter, Kat, would like to say a few words," the preacher said. I nodded and walked up to the stage. I put the paper I wrote my note on, on the podium. I was shaking. I looked over at my dad, sighed, and started.

"Anyone who knows my dad, knows he's the biggest goofball ever," I giggled, and the room filled with laughs and "yeahs". "I know what he'd say if he were here right now. He'd laugh and say 'Where's the cake?'" Everyone laughed again. "My dad...was a fighter. He lost his life, to protect you, me, and our country. He is the definition of a hero." I started tearing up. I looked back over at him. " kn-know he's g-gone...tears me ap-part." I could hear some sobs. I couldn't go on with the speech.. I couldn't talk. I had a frog in my throat, and I was crying so hard.

I leaned up against the podium and buried my face in my hands. I felt someon start rubbing my back. I looked up, and no one was there. I got this weird feeling it was my dad. I could hear him in the back of my mind telling me to get it together. I wiped my tears and kept going.

"My dad, Neal Brooks, meant so much to so many people. He was truly the best dad you could ask for. I remember when he was my softball coach, and how after every game he'd pat me on the back, and take me out for ice cream. No matter if we won or lost, as long as I did my best. Daddy, if you're out there...listening...I just want you to know that I love you so much. Things won't be the same without you, but I know you'd want us to live with it. You could never stand to see us sad." Tears started filling my eyes. "I hope to see you soon. I'm gonna miss you everyday, for the rest of my life. I love you to the moon and back, Daddy."

I walked over to him and hugged him. It didn't even bother me I was hugging a dead body. I kissed my hand and grabbed his. It was cold. I took his half of the heart off a shelf and put it in his pocket. "Squeeze it when you miss me, and I'll always be here. I love you," I whispered.

The funeral went on for another hour with speeches from Bre, Chad, and my mom. It was time to bury him.

Everyone left the funeral room except for Bre, me, and my mom. We all gathered in front of him. "We're all here baby, we just need you," my mom said, her voice shaking. Bre nodded.

"We love you daddy. We always will," Bre said, grabbing his hand. "I can't wait to see you again," I said, hugging him again. We all stood there for awhile when suddenly his casket closed.

We all jumped. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, but we gotta go," the worker said. We all nodded and left.

The preacher said some final words and everyone left. The Griers and Bre, my mom, and I stayed behind. We stared at the casket, and all cried together.

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