Chapter 35 | Just A Dream

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I woke up to doctors running into Kat's room. "Excuse me sir, we need you to leave now," one said, shoving me out of the room. They pulled Kat's bed out of the room and started running down the hall with it. Is she ok? I started chasing after them but they went through these big doors that I wasn't allowed in.

I ran into Bre's room to see only Jenny and Bre, both had faces that were really pale.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Kat's heart stopped beating..."

"WHAT?" I screamed.

A doctor walked in the room with a clipboard.

"We're sorry to say this... but Katherine Brooks heart stopped beating, and we couldn't get help fast enough."

I screamed.

"She passed away."

"No!" I screamed.

This can't be happening. Kat is dead. Oh my gosh. This can't be.


"Hayesss," I heard my mom whisper.

I jumped up to see me laying in my bed, and my mom was waking me up. I started crying and hugged her. It was just a dream.

(GUYS okay so Kat really did go to the mall and all that with Mason and Hayes and Kat ran into each other at the froyo place, but Hayes went home and went to bed and dreamed the wreck and everything)

"You okay baby?" My mom asked. I shook my head.

"Did Kat get in a wreck?" I asked. My mom laughed.


I jumped up and put a shirt on.

"Where are you going?" My mom yelled.

"To go see Kat!"

I ran outside and straight to Kat's house. I knocked on the door and Bre answered. She rolled her eyes and shut the door.

"Bre, please!" I yelled.

"What Hayes? You broke my sister's heart, give it a rest."

"Please, I need to see her."

Bre nodded and let me in.

"She's in her room."

"Thanks," I yelled, running upstairs. I knocked on Kat's door.

"Come in," she said. She didn't know it was me obviously. I walked in and she was in her pajamas, sitting on her bed, scrolling through tumblr on her laptop. I ran over to her, put her laptop on her bedside table, sat down in front of her, and hugged her.

"Hayes, get off."

I let go and looked at her.

"Kat, I'm so sorry. I truly am. You don't understand how sorry I am. I love you so so so much. I love you more than Romeo loved Juliet. (cheesy I know) I never had anything with Haylee. I just had frozen yogurt with her, but it wasnt a date. Promise. You're the only girl I love, and the only girl I want to love. You're the most beautiful girl in the world, and I promise I'll never do anything like this again. I'm done with Haylee. I blocked her number, and I blocked her on every social media site. I even reported her a few times on Instagram. Please take me back Kat. I love you."

**Kats pov**

I couldn't believe he just said that. I smiled and tacked him down.

"I love you.." he whispered. I smiled and helped him up. I hugged him and whispered back, "I love you too."

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