28 - Dinner With A Lonely Friend

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I then went to my contacts and went to Steven's number. I know he would like a call. I hit his contact and saw his face pop up and he had a smile. I then hit the call button and put it to my ear. It ran about 4 times before he answered.

"Steven's Christmas Fiesta. How may I spice up your life today?" He said into the phone. I smirked knowing he always answers the phone in weird ways.
"Merry Christmas Steven." I giggled.
"Merry Christmas Pup. What's up girl?" He asked.
"Just calling to say that and ask how you are on this wonderful day." I said crossing my legs.
"I'm doing well. Kids got here two hours ago. Opened presents instantly. Running around with their toys. I'm gonna make dinner in a little for us three." I frowned a little knowing he is all alone with just his kids.
"What cha making? Not going to your mama's?" I asked him. I then put him on speaker and texted Luke to come upstairs.
"Hell fucking no. She is probably drunk as a skunk.  I'm probably gonna make some chicken and Mac n cheese with something healthy. I actually don't know yet. Got to look in the freezer." I took him off speaker. I laughed a little.
"Totally you dude." I said he laughed.
"Don't get on me. I'm the king of improvising. Hell, I improvised that opening hello." He was probably smirking. Luke came into the room and looked at me concerned.
"Hold on real quick Steve." I said and put him on mute. I looked at Luke. "I got a major favor and it's all up to you. I don't want to do it without you being fine with it." He looked at me confused now.
"What's up baby doll?" he asked coming closer to me and sitting next to me.
"Steve's at his apartment with his kids alone on Christmas. I know this is kinda a huge favor to ask but could they join for dinner? He was gonna make Mac n cheese with chicken and something healthy. I just feel bad that he is having a normal dinner with his kids in a small apartment. If you don't feel comfortable then I'll…" I started to say but he put his finger on my lips and smiled.
"Invite him. Here give me the phone." He said putting his hand out. I took the phone off mute and handed it over. Luke put it on speaker. "Hey Steven." Luke said.
"Yo man, what's up. Merry Christmas to you and yours." Steven said and I smiled. Luke did too.
"Nothing man. Merry Christmas to you and yours too. I have a question for you." Luke said and looked at me.
"What's up?" Steven asked.
"I was wondering if you and your kids would like to join me and my family for Christmas dinner?"
"Oh man, I can't intrude. I ain't got shit to contribute." Steve said. Luke looked at me and I gave half a smile.
"No need to contribute. Nikki and my mama are making a big dinner. We can't eat it all. You won't intrude. I'm inviting you. So what do you say?" Luke said into the phone.
"Yeah sure. I'll get the kids dressed and ready to come over." I smiled wide.

"Okay. I'll make sure Nikki texts you the address."
"Alright. See you when we get there." I could tell by Steven's voice he was smiling.
"Bye." Luke said and hung up. He handed my phone back and I hugged him tight getting onto his lap.

"Thank you soooooooo much Luke." I said kissing him. He kissed me back with a smile.
"It's no problem. I'll make sure my parent's know. Tate and Bo will like new friends. We have enough food and space for 3 more heads." I smiled wider.
"You're amazing. You know that." I told him.
"No you are. Thinking of others and trying to make others happy all the time." He kissed me. He then got up and grabbed my hand.
"Now come on. Let's tell my parents and then you two can get to cook a delicious meal since y'all's cook amazing."

I nodded and walked downstairs with him. His parents were fine with it. I told his mom the actual reason when we were prepping the food and everything. We had huge deer roast that was already put in before Lunch. I made the salads yesterday. We also did mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli and string beans. I was setting the table when there was a knock on the door. Luke yelled he would get it.

I finished setting the table with napkins in a cool way and everything set right. I put glasses on the table and made sure everything looked nice. There were 9 people going to eat and 9 seats set and ready to have food on them. I checked on Luke's mother who was mashing up the mashed potatoes. She told me to go greet my friend and I smiled and nodded. I walked out to where I saw Steven smiling and talking to Luke and his kids just standing on each side of him looking around. When his daughter seen me she smiled wide. She ran right for me.

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