29 - New Year

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Okay everyone. This is the first time I've had 10 votes on a single chapter so I'm going to update like I promised but since this is a first time thing, and this story is surpassing Baby's On The Way and Shake It For Me, I'm updating TWO chapters. I hope everyone enjoys and remember to continue to comment and vote. Thank you all!

It is New Years Eve. Luke's parents left on the 27th and that means we have been alone for the past couple of days with the boys. It has been great. They are still really occupied with their toys. They are in the Den right now playing with their race track. Luke was down in his little studio doing work and I was sitting on the couch in the Den on my laptop.

I was checking my Twitter and Facebook. The boys already had their baths. They were just playing till they got tired. Luke wanted to see how long they'd stay up for the new years. They told us they both wanted to last a long time. I was paying attention to the time on my computer. While I was on Facebook my brother decided to message me and talk to me. He was asking how everything was. He was being nice this time. I then felt my phone vibrate.  I looked at it and saw I had a twitter notification.

I went back onto Twitter it was a notification from Luke saying something with me in it. I clicked on it and looked at what he said.

LukeBryanOfficial: Can't think of lyrics. Going upstairs with my boys and my girlfriend @nikkipups to watch this ball drop and get the first kiss of the year ♥

I smiled at it and looked how many people already liked and favored it. Then I started getting more and more notifications. It was of people following me. I was so shocked at all the people following me just because of that. I guess fans really want to get into someone's life. I looked at more tweets and then went back to Facebook. When I finished talking to my brother I felt two hands go on my shoulders and a kiss onto my head. I smiled and looked up seeing Luke's smiling face.

"I saw your tweet." I told him. He smirked.

"You like it?" He asked. I nodded.

"I favored it." He leaned down and kissed me.

"DADDY!" Bo yelled and Luke looked to him. He was frowning. "Tate keeps winning! He won't let me win!" Luke just got up and went to them.

"Now guys, it's okay if one always wins and the other one loses. That just means you will win another time or you need a new car." Luke said handing Bo another one. He did it and then won that time. He smiled at Luke.

"Now I ain't gonna win." Tate said frowning being all sad. I looked at him and his face was droopy like he was extremely tired.

"Can't win all the time. You won a lot already. Bo needs to win sometimes too." I shut my laptop and put it on the end table. I got up and sat with everyone. Tater looked at me and had his sad face still. I patted my lap and he crawled to me sitting on it with his car.

"Somebody's tired." I said rocking back and forth with Tate. Bo looked over at Luke then at Tate and me.
"I'm tired too." Bo said. Luke got up and picked Bo up.

"Let's get this little speed racing winners to bed." Luke said. Bo smiled and Tate just held onto me falling asleep in my arms.

I held onto him with one arm and got up. Luke helped me up and held my hand for a few more seconds. He leaned in kissing Tate on the forehead saying goodnight. I told Bo goodnight and then put Tater to bed. He was out like a light when I set him down and tucked him in. I got out of the room and shut it. Luke was right behind me and put his arms around me. He kissed my cheek and I had a huge smile on my face. This felt great.

Luke and I went downstairs leaving the door open so we could hear if the boys came downstairs at anytime. We had the TV on looking at Ryan Seacrest. He was doing all the announcing this year. WE were also looking at the great performances that were put on. Luke had his arm around me and we were just cuddled up. He got up and got us some wine.

It was a minute till the ball dropped. We finished the whole bottle of wine and it crept on me like it normally always did. We had one glass of champagne waiting for when the ball actually dropped. We counted down together from 10 to 1. When we both said one at the same time Luke looked over at me.

"Happy New Year baby." He said grabbing my face and kissing me passionately. I kissed him back with the same amount of passion in my kiss. He pulled away and stared into my eyes before grabbing both of our drinks. He raised his glass. "To a new year full of joy and happiness. To continue to have such a great relationship. For our fights to be clean and our sex to stay dirty." I giggled at that. "Cheers" He put his glass closer to mine.

"Cheers." I clinked our glass and we both drank what was in the cup.

Music was playing that was for slow dancing. We put our glasses down and Luke grabbed me. He started to dance with me. I put my head on his shoulder and we danced to the song that was playing on the TV. When we turned to the TV I saw all the other happy people dancing together and kissing still.

We let the song finished and just stood there holding each other. He pulled away and looked at me. He kissed me sweetly and then put his forehead on mine. We both had huge grins on our faces. He pulled away and turned off the TV. He grabbed my head and left me upstairs for another great start to our 1st new year together.

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