51 - A Long Time Over Due

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When I walked into the house it was dark and quiet. I smiled and looked through the house. He kept it very clean. Nothing was all over the place and things were neat. Luke really did out do himself.

I walked upstairs and checked each bedroom. Tate's was first and he was sound asleep without his night light. He had me take it out because he wanted to start being a big boy. I went in his room and covered him up better and kissed his head telling him I loved him. I did that to Bo too while making sure his teddy was in his arms. Buck was passed out with his mouth open. I leaned and kissed him telling him I loved him too.

I smiled as I opened the bedroom door. I opened it and was shocked. It was only lit up by candle light. Luke came out of the bathroom with two glasses of what it looked like as white wine. He was just in his tight boxer breifs. I bit my lip seeing the smirk on his face. I shut the door and locked it behind me. Luke came up to me and handed me a glass of wine.

"Welcome home beautiful." He leaned in kissing me. I kissed him back putting my open hand on his cheek.

"Well hello handsome." I seductively said running my hand down his chest.

"How about you go into the bathroom and get undressed and put on what I have in there for you." He winked. I nodded.


I went into the bathroom and he had lingerie laid out on the counter. It was a black and blue corset top and a thong bottom that clipped on to it. I quickly got it on and looked at myself. I shook up my hair a little giving it volume. I fixed my make up that I had on. I slowly opened the door and put my hand on the side of it. Luke's eyes lit up. He came over to me and placed his hands on my hips. I looked into his eyes and then he quickly pulled me into him.

He leaned in kissing me roughly making me moan by how he was gripping my hips. He went down and got my sweet spot making my head go back and I tried to suppress the moan that was trying to come out but I failed. His hands on my hips went up and undid the corset as he kissed my jaw line and nibbled on my ear.

Soon my breast were let free and he was able to assault them but surprisingly he just kissed each one and went down to the underwear. He got to his knees and rand his hands up and down my legs giving me Goosebumps and a feel of pleasure throughout my body. He kissed me from outside my underwear. I looked down at him as he grinned up at me. He then went to the top of my underwear with his mouth and gripped it with his teeth.

He growled causing me to bite my lip and watch him slowly take my underwear off with his mouth. He let them finish dropping to around my ankles and he let me kick them to the side. He kissed up my legs as I put my head back. Me watching him is working me up too much.

He kissed all the way to my inner thigh. He then moved his hand to rub me. Then he pulled his hand away and tapped in-between my legs to make me move them more apart. I did what he wanted and his face went right there licking me all around. I moaned his name and put my hand in his hair. His tongue did its assault as he proceeded to what it felt like write something with his tongue. I was coming closer to releasing and I could already feeling myself start to tremble. He growled telling me to come which pushed me over the edge and I did. My hand pulled his hair which I heard him grunt. His hands made their way to my ass and he grabbed it hard.

"Lean over the bathroom sink." He demanded in his husky voice.

Hell I was still catching myself. This is the first time we had more than just quick sex. I just hopped the baby wouldn't start crying. I was craving sex like this from him. I slowly walked over and leaned over. I looked at myself in the mirror as I rested my arms around the sink and held onto it.
I saw Luke come behind me. He looked into the mirror and smirked. His hand ran up my back and down to my ass. He rubbed it a few times. Our eye contact didn't leave until I felt a sting on my ass. I moaned feeling him do it again and I closed my eyes putting my head down. He knew that turned me on. I felt one hand grab all of my hair. I was waiting for him to pull it back but I didn't feel that. He just held it as he rubbed my ass and down to my vagina.

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