21 - Old Life

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He brought me to the kitchen and let my hand go as he went in the fridge getting out two beers. I shook my head and he put one back. He put his arm around me and kissed my head. He walked us to the den. I sat on the love seat near the fireplace. He put some wood in there and fired it up. I just watched the fire start to burn the wood. Luke sat next to me and put his arm around me pulling me to him.

"You alright baby?" he asked me putting both arms around me.
"I guess. I'm sorry Luke." I said.
"For what?"
"I made you mad. I ran off with your phone and keys when I told you I'd be right back." He laughed a little.
"You have no reason to be sorry. I wasn't mad. I was kind of pissed and jealous slightly. I saw you turn and run like a bat out of hell towards a guy who swung you around and I heard you laugh with him and all. Then another one tackles you holding you around your ass. Kind of mind me jealous. I had no clue that they were. What Blake was saying didn't help either but what he said pissed me off not you."
 "Is that why you kept me close?" I asked smiling up at him. He nodded.
"I didn't want you running off with them. I didn't know who they were. Then you introduced me and I remembered what you said. That one guy stared at me like he wanted to beat my ass. I stared back not knowing what was going to happen next."
"I’m sorry about Steve. He is now like that. He has post traumatic stress disorder." I told Luke.
"Jacob told me. He came over to me when you were talking to him. He said that Steven witnessed a bunch of messed up things and has it. He said he was in the war with your husband who is his brother." I looked up at Luke and he looked down at me. He rubbed my arm. "I put two and two together realizing Jacob is your brother in law, and Steven was the best friend." I nodded.
"Steve witnessed what happened with JC over there. He would always tell me he is sorry. JC has PTSD so I know how to deal with it." Luke nodded.
"Figured that much. You okay?" he asked me. I shrugged.
"A whole bunch of emotions came back. I missed them a lot, but I blocked them out to lose feeling or become numb to things. It also made me think of things when I was 19 and 20 hanging out with everyone. Seeing Jacob really brought back memories. He is JC's younger brother. He looks so much like him. He uses to try to be cool with us. Hang around, smoke with us. Try to talk about women with the guys or bad stuff they did in school. He listened to the heavy music because we were outcast for it. He wanted to be just like JC. When JC passed Jacob went a different direction and went to college and is doing more with his life. He wouldn't join the military. When he talked about Ma and Pa hit home. They treated me like their own kid after my daddy died and then being married into the family it was like an I had whole new family. Alexis was close to the family but he dropped off and ignored them right after he heard the news. I now feel like shit knowing that they still care but I pushed them away." I said with teary eyes. Luke kissed the top of my head.
"You did what you thought was best at the time and what was best for you. They probably understand that. You were hurt because your husband died. It's understandable. I pushed people away. We went over this. Don't feel bad. By how Jacob talked it seems like they missed you and will have open arms. Hell if they want dinner, maybe you can invite them over here. After New Year's. We'll have the boys but, they'll love the new friends. Tater will be drawn back but it'll be fine. I'm fine with meeting your family whether they are your husbands or your blood. You met my mama and pa. It's all with what you want to do baby. If it makes you happy, I'll support it." He said. That made me smile. This is why I love being around Luke.

Luke always knows what to say whether he rambles on and on or he is quick and to the point. He can make me smile and feel important and cared about. I also love the fact that he supports me. No one ever supported my decisions before. Going to college was not supported. My dad wanted me to work his business or be busy making babies and being a mom like my mom was or his new wife, or my brother's wife.
I also felt safe when I was with Luke. His strong arms around me holding me made me feel happy. I felt like nothing bad could happen. He knows how to make me stop crying. He kisses me at the right moments to make me feel care. He even shows it around people.
The only worry I do have with that is my job but at this point. I don't give a shit. If losing a job to be happy again with another man is it then I'm taking it. Jacob and Steven seemed to be okay with me moving on. I am happy they are happy I moved on. I'll always have a place for JC since he was my first love and man I married and planned a future with but, you can love again. You can find it again. Hopefully if something happens with Luke and I, this will be the love I find. A family that cares and loves me just as much as I had before.
I grabbed onto Luke's arms and held him closer. I looked over at the fire and it looked beautiful. He let go of me with one arm and reached back and got his beer. He sipped on it. I then looked up at him and frowned. He gave me a questionable look. I licked my lips and he leaned down to kiss me but I shook my head. He laughed then realized I wanted a sip of his beer. He handed over his beer and I took a couple gulps making it almost gone. I handed it back. He shook it then glared down at me. I smiled sweetly at him.

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