12 - Tour Jealousy

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Two and a half months later the boys and I were in a car getting taken to the arena Luke was playing in. These past few months were fun and a lot easier. Spending time with the boys alone was great for bonding. I think Bo is really starting to like me. Miranda and Jess both did come over at least once a week each and sometimes together. Seeing Luke on tour was good too. I felt amazing around him every time I saw him. His boys would run to him and he would hug and kiss them. Then he would see me standing behind them and give me a big bear hug. At night we would all sleep in the back. The boys would be on a bed and Luke and I would have a couch. We slept apart so the boys wouldn't see anything or think anything. Today I was excited because this meant that there was only three weeks left till Luke would be home. The boys were also excited because they do miss their daddy while he is off. When we got there I grabbed our bags and the boys held onto each other's hands as Tater held onto mine as I rolled one bag and had the other on my back. When we got to the gate the security guy helped me with the bags so Tater wanted to be picked up. He was cranky and tired since it was already 6. Our plane ran late so we wouldn't see Luke perform. He was supposed to be on in about an hour but he was busy before the show.

Bo held my hand as Tater put his head in my neck. I could see that there was people running all over and I made sure I checked where the security guy was going. When I saw the bus I knew it was Luke's. He helped bring on the bags and I thanked him. No one was on it. The only person who was was the tour manager. The boys were going to take a nap all the way in the back. I sat upfront talking to the tour manager Sarge. I looked at the clock and Luke should be done his show. Sarge said go get Luke and surprises him because he thought we wouldn't get in until the show was ended completely. Sarge looked after the boys as I did so. I walked around with my VIP Back Stage Luke Bryan pass. I was looking amazing today. I had recently made up my mind that if I can't be with Luke, I'd make him wish he was. Then if that didn't work, I'd have to quit as much as it would hurt me doing so not only money wise but leaving them boy's ad Luke to fend for themselves again. When I got towards the stage I could hear people all hyper and then the crowd was hype too. I saw Luke talking to some woman. I was going to walk up when she got on her tip toes and kissed him. For some reason that hit me like a wall of bricks. I may not be dating him but it felt like I was at that moment. I felt my eyes tear up as he went with it. His hand slid to her ass and grabbed on tight. Her arms were around his neck. I let a tear fall and I swiftly turned on my heal. I quickly made my way back to the bus. Sarge was still sitting there. He saw me. "Where's Luke?" "Examining a girls mouth." He just nodded. "Damn it Luke." He said getting up. "I'll go get him." I shook my head. "Let him go. He is having fun I guess? Famous men can't get random girls?" Sarge laughed. "They can but… Never mind. I'll go let him know his kids and you are here. That'll throw the girl for a loop. Why don't you guys date?" Sarge asked standing at the bottom of the steps for the bus. "I work for him remember." He nodded. "I may be old, but I can see when people like each other Nikki. He just doesn't want to look unprofessional and mess with his maid. If he dated you, you wouldn't be his made. You'd be his girlfriend who already lives with him and would do the same thing." "Then how would I make money?" "You wouldn't have to. He makes it all. I know your independent but sometimes you have to give up something to get something." I nodded. "Now let me go get him from eating this girls face. He is doing that to the wrong woman." Sarge winked and then left. I went to the back of the bus and sat with the boys who were still sleeping.

I woke the boys up telling them their daddy would be back soon. They played around and Tater was on my lap. I was bouncing him as he watched Bo dance to the TV. I was laughing my ass off as the door opened. I looked over and saw Luke. He had his hat on backwards and a smile on his face.

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