3 - Let me Know You

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I walked up to my room setting my papers on the dresser. I looked around and smiled. This seemed like it was going to be a great gig. I walked back downstairs and then into the basement living room area. The boys were sitting on the couch with toys. Blake was watching NASCAR on the TV. He sat in the recliner. I sat in the love seat and watched the boys as they played. Bo then noticed me and that made Tater look. He smiled wide.

"Wanna play trucks wid us?" He asked me.
"Sure." I said then getting up. Tater got onto the floor and looked at Bo.
"Common Bo, Nikki's gonna play wid us." Bo then looked at me. He got down at sat. He had two trucks while Tater had one. I sat on my knees and Bo handed over a truck.
"Yours is called Tank. I has Monster, and Tater has Mud." Bo said naming our trucks.
"So we race them?" I asked and he shook his head.
"No, we make them climb things." He explained and I just watched them for a minute watching them grab the couch pillows and make the trucks ride over them. I then joined in on the fun and they were laughing and giggling. Tater and Bo ended up making their cars ride on top of me.  I didn't hear when Luke came down. Bo had his on top of my head when I heard a bell. I jumped and the car dropped from my head and hit my foot. Bo then looked at me and I looked at him. We then both laughed.
"Food's here." Luke said getting up. I then stood up and looked at the boys.
"It's time to wash your hands boys. Then pizza." I smiled at them. Bo got up and ran upstairs. Tater looked at me and reached up. I picked him up.
"You helps me right?" I nodded. "Good." He hugged me and I smiled and walked up the steps with him after Blake.

I helped Tater wash his hands after Bo finished his. I set them in their seats and got plates out. Luke put the boxes in the middle of the table. I asked what everyone wanted to drink and got it all for them. When everyone finished I grabbed the plates and put them in the sink. Then I put the left over pizza in the refrigerator. I started to wash the dishes when Luke turned it off.

"Help me with the boys bath so you I know you'll know what to do." I nodded. "Dishes can be done after." He smiled. I looked over at the boys. They were still sitting drinking their drinks.
"Ready for your baths boys?" I looked at them. Bo shook his head and Tater copied. "Hey, baths are fun. Common." I said walking over to tater opening my arms. He looked at Bo then me and lifted his arms for me to grab him. "Coming Bo?" I said walking away. He just stared at me. Then at Luke. "I don't think you wanna sit there and wait till Tater's do ya?" He shook his head no then got out the seat. I smiled at him and he ran in front of me and up the steps.
"I'm winning!" Bo yelled up the steps. Luke fallowed after him and I walked up behind him with Tater.

The boys then got their baths easily. Luke made sure I was good with the boys when they got their baths. I even was good at making sure Tater got dressed right. Bo got himself dressed. We first put Bo down, and said goodnight. He had his little teddy in his arms as he smiled saying goodnight. We shut the door and then walked into Taters room. We followed him hearing his freshly clean feet pit pat on the floor. I smiled looking at him going over to a book and grabbing it then jumping in bed. Luke sat at the end of the bed and Tater looked at me.

"Nikki you gone read?" He asked me. I looked at Luke.
"You want Nikki to read your bed time story Tater bug?" Luke asked. He nodded showing me the book. I went over and Luke moved down so I could sit. I read the name of the book and it was Animals You Could See at the Zoo.
"Animals you could see at the Zoo." I said looking at Tater and he was smiling. I turned more so he could see the book too.  "This is an elephant. They are very big animals and have a long memory, and a very long nose they call a trunk. They make a trumpet sound." I did a little sound and he giggled. "This is a lion. He is the kind of a jungle and he goes rawr!" I growled at him. He giggled more. This is a monkey. They spend a lot of time up in the trees and like to eat fruits. This one has a banana. They go eee eee ee." I said and giggled some more. I had a huge smile on my face.  I went through a few more animals till the book was done. Tater yawned and smiled.
"Sleepy time Tater. Night night buddy." I said getting up and putting the book back. I turned to him and he smiled at me.
"Night night Nikki!" he said all happy. Luke got up and kissed his forehead.
"Goodnight tater bug."
"Night night daddy."
"Love you bud."
"Love you too daddy." I walked out the doorway and waited for Luke. He shut the light out making sure the night light was on. He then shut the door. He looked over to me and smiled.
"You're a lot better than what I thought. They fussed a lot less too. Now let's get going to them questions huh?" I nodded.
"Let's get to it." I smiled. We walked back into the kitchen and sat.
"Want a glass of wine?" He asked me going into a cabinet. I looked at him.
"Well there is one of my questions. Alcohol. Am I allowed to drink? Not get drunk of course but you know a beer or two, maybe two mixed drinks, or wine?" He nodded.
"As long as you're not drunk, or driving when you drink. I see no problem." He smiled.
"Then I'll join you in a glass." I smiled back at him. He got us each a glass of white wine and sat across from me.

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