23 - Pup

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"I have a question." Luke said. Everyone stared at him. "Why is Nikki called Pup?" They then looked amongst each other and laughed.
"It's all JC's fault." Steven said laughing. I rolled my eyes.
"Oh god not this fucking story. Please make it less embarrassing." I said.
"It all started with her love for puppies." Jacob said and laughed. "Then when she and JC got together he use to call her Thumper." Steven cracked up hard core. I glared at him.
"She uses to laugh and stop her foot on the floor like Thumper from bambi. She would get so pissed off at him and walk away. So he had to figure out something else." Steven said laughing still.
"So one day Mama and Pa got a puppy. She played with it and ignored JC. He was trying to take her off to ask her to marry him. He was getting frustrated with her not paying attention to him. He said god damn you and them pups. Always ignore me." Jacob laughed. "Lets say she said the pup kissed her better than he did. He didn't ask her to marry him that day because he got pissed. We all laughed. Then he said at least I don't sound like a whining pup when I tickled." I crossed my arms. Luke looked at me and smirked. "So she flipped him off and he just stood there. Steve here had the bright idea to call her like a dog. That made JC laugh and Nikki just told him to fuck off and ignored him again. JC waited till she was holding the puppy in her lap and JC then fucked up calling her pup and saying come to the room. She actually listened and got up going to him. That made us burst out laughing even more and she didn't get it till he said alright Pup come on." Jacob laughed.
"Oh she didn't like that nick name." Steven said.
"I asked JC why when I first got with Jacob. They were already engaged. JC always said because she was as cute and adorable as a pup. Then Jacob told me the real story. Everyone calls her it now because that stuck and even her dad loved calling her that." Jessica said. I still had my arms crossed. Luke laughed.
"So can we go onto the story on how I hate getting embarrassed about stupid stories like that?" I said. Everyone laughed. Luke kissed my cheek.
"I like Jc's explanation better." I smiled at Luke.

We were there for quite some time. It was a lot of fun joking around and having fun with them. Everything felt amazing again. The only thing missing was JC. He would be sitting on my right side making jokes. His laugh would fill the room with his deep voice. He would have his white tee shirt on. His jeans and work boots. He would have his arm behind my chair. The smile on his face would never go away because he was around ones he loved. I smiled at the thought.
I then started to yawn and feel really tired. Mama noticed and asked how tired I was. We then decided to stay our goodbyes. Mama and Papa held me tight before I went to hug Steven. He hugged me really tight and put his head in my neck saying he was happy I'm back. He truly missed me. I looked at him and could tell he felt pain. I weakly smiled at him and messed his hair up. I told him to text me sometime and he then smiled.

I held onto Luke's arm as we walked out to my truck. I got in my side and he got in his. I decided to change up my CD to a rap mix tape. That would be able to keep me awake. Ludicrous came through the speakers. I looked over at Luke and he was laughing. I smiled. It was number one spot.
I drove off and was waiting for my favorite part.

"I'm hotta than Nevada. Ready to break the steering column on your impala!" I said in my best rap voice. I heard Luke bust out. Which made me laugh more? I caught my composure. "The luda mista got her feeling so randy I'm double ex el so I call her my eye candy. Brush my shoulder and I pop my collaaaaaa" I said again and Luke kept a smirk on his face.

That song went off. Another one came on. It went to Jesus Walks by Kanye West. Then a Tupac song and an Atmosphere song. Luke just smiled at me. I was waiting for the more upbeat kind of songs. Ms. Jackson then came on. I loved this song and turned it up.

"I'm sorry Ms Jackson oooo I am for real, never meant to make your daughter cry, I apologize a million times." I started and heard Luke continue it. I got into the fast rap part and he kept a smirk on his face. He then did the chorus again. He kept it up during the middle. I stared "Top dalla nine." I said and went on.

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