58 - He's Here and Hello New Things

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I'm 9 months pregnant. I am waddling worse than ever. I still liked being pregnant. Today is the day we are getting the C section to see our little Timber Jackson Bryan. Luke and I decided that name after reading a story to Buck. I loved the name instantly.

The boys are all doing well. They are excited for the new baby brother. Tate said he was going to be good. Buck was clingy to Tate so I doubt we had to worry about him. Bo is doing his own thing and being a good boy. He has been doing his chores in the house. Tate has tried to help with them but he can't do them too well yet. They are all being angels and for the last month of this pregnancy they've been talking to the baby which Luke and I had to get on tape.

I was able to go to the CMA's with Luke this year. I was pregnant, but I was complemented on how beautiful I was pregnant. I loved it. Luke won three awards and it was beyond amazing. I couldn't help but be happy about it.

Jess and Jason have split. She is staying in their house while Jason is off on tour currently. I haven't talked to Jason much at all especially when he was around thanks to Luke. He basically chose Brittney over Jess and I was not happy about that. Neither was Jess but she is no longer upset about it, she is more pissed off than anything. She has the girls most of the time.

I think Steve has been around for Jess a lot too. Every time I talk to him lately he has been around her. I could tell he helps keep her mind off of what happened with Jason. She loves him to death but her words now are, "If he can move on so can I." I think Steve has a thing for Jess and wants to be there. Not as a rebound but to help her out and to make her feel better. Which is sweet of him. He has always had a big heart.

Luke and I are on our way to the hospital. His parents are in town, my brother is, his family is, Steve has the boys, and Jess is with him waiting for us to call to bring all the kids. I decided on a C-Section again because since I already know how that is, I'm going to keep doing that. Well we are only having one more child. We decided on that as well. Well, you never know if I change my mind after Timber gets bigger.

I was checked in quickly. They made sure that I was relaxed and that I was hooked up. They made me stay in the hospital about two hours before it was time to do it. Luke's parents came in the room and checked on me. Then my brother and his wife did. After we got all of them out we told Luke's mama to call Jess after they get the news everything went well.

In the end everything did go well. It was a lot easier than before. Timber Jackson Bryan was born 6lbs 9 oz. Luke and I got to hold him before they had to get me stitched up, cleaned up and in my own room. I had Timber in my arms when everyone came in.

"Oh my gosh, he is so adorable!" Luke's mama said. I looked at her coming to right side of the bed.

"For now. Wait till he starts raising hell." Luke said. I looked at him and he smirked. "Oh you know all my son's do. Don't act like their all angels." Luke said.

"They're angels for me. Not for you since you spoiled them and when you try to be a parent they hate it." I smirked at him. He shook his head then leaned down and kissed my head.

"That's why I need you." He said. Everyone laughed and Timber moved a little.

"So, the name guys." Alexis said holding onto his wife.

"Timber Jackson Bryan." Luke said letting Timber grab onto his finger.

"It's going down. I'm yelling Timber!" Jess said coming into the room dancing while Steven followed her with the kids in trail.

"We're here." Steve said laughing. I smiled at Jess seeing her so happy.

I let everyone get their share of holding onto the baby. The boys got to hold onto him and Luke helped Buck hold him.

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