25 - Hero Of War

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I was about to close my eyes when a song came on. It was Rise Against, Hero of War.  I sang it instantly.

"He said son, have you seen the world, or what would you say if I said that you could just carry this gun you'll even get paid. I said that sounds pretty good. Black leather boots, spit shinned so bright, they cut off my hair, but it looks alright, we marched and we sang, we all became friends as we learned to fight. A hero of war. Yeah that’s what I'll be. And when I come home. They'll be damn proud of me. I'll carry this flag. To the grave if I must. Cause it's a flag that I love. And a flag that I trust. I kicked in the door. I yelled my commands. The children they cried. But I got my men. We took him away, a bag over his face. From his family, his friends. They took off his clothes, they pissed in his hands. I told them to stop but then I joined in. We beat him with guns. And batons not just not ones again and again. A hero of war yeah that’s what I'll be and when I come home they'll be damn proud of me. I'll carry this flag to the grave if I must. Because it's a flag that I love and a flag that I trust….." I had tears in my eyes. "She walked through bullets and haze. I asked her to stop I begged her to stay. She pressed on so I lifted my gun and I fired away….. And the shells jolt through the smoke and into the sand where the blood now has soaked. She collapsed with a flag in her hand. A flag white as snow… A hero of war. IS that what they see? Just metals and scars. So damn proud of me. And I brought home that flag. Now it got its dust. But it’s the flag that I love. It's the only thing I trust…. I said son. If you seen the world. But what would you say. I said you that you could." Tears fell down my face. This song hit me hard. Always has. I sat away from Luke and looked over out the window. We were really close to home.

"Baby you okay?" He asked me grabbing my arm and rubbing it. I didn't answer. I closed my eyes and let tears fall having a memory that hurts me to remember come back into my mind.  I felt him come closer to me. "Baby, why are you crying? It's okay." He said pulling me into his arms. He held me tight. I shook my head.
"Memories Luke." I managed to get out.
"Talk to me Darlin." he said putting his head on my shoulder pressing it against my head.
"That song reminded me of JC. The second tour he came home from. He would wake up screaming. He would wake up thinking he is still there. He sat on the couch one day and heard this song singing it. He through his glass across the room at the end of it at the wall. His tea went all over the wall onto the floor. The glass shattered and it made me run into the living room seeing if he was okay." I said sniffling. "He sat on the couch with his knees to his chest. He had tears in his eyes. I ran to him and held him. He admitted to me all the things he has done. How he done things that the song has said. He went even into more detail about things. I just feel the pain I felt that day knowing how much he had went through and it has hurt him. I think of all the other veterans like Steven who are hurting because of what they had to do. This war is all fucked up. I've never seen JC cry until that day. I ever seen him scared like that." I grabbed onto Luke's arms. "I just wish our soldiers didn't have to deal with things like this…."
"I know baby. It's horrible but those men are amazing and brave to fight for our country to keep us safe and free. People that actually do that are heroes. It may be messed up how they have to go through that and do what they do even if it is fucked up shit but sometimes they have to. JC felt bad for what he did but people see him as a hero, and he knew you did. You saw him as more and not as a monster he probably saw himself as after what he has done. He is lucky he had you there to care and understand and listen." Luke told me. I smiled slightly. I moved my head away and turned it to kiss his cheek. He looked at me and saw my smile. He smiled right at me.
"How do you know how to make me feel better instantly?" I asked him.
"Because I actually care and want to see that smile, instead of those tears. I like to hear you giggle. I like to see you smile. I like to see you happy. I understand your pains and suffering. I can't listen to some things because it reminds me of how fucked up Caroline got on drugs. I remember her so messed up around Tate holding him. It scared me shitless." I put my hand up to his face and rubbed his scruff.
"I never told anyone that story before. Thank you." He smiled and kissed my nose.
"Let's go inside and get to bed. The boys will be here at in the afternoon. It's already after 4:30." I just nodded.

We got out of his truck. I unlocked the door and we went in. I wanted to take a hot shower before bed. I went into my room and Luke fallowed taking a shower with me. We got out and he went into his room to get clothes for bed. I got in my pj's and got into his room as he finished putting on his pj pants. I was just in my tank top and pj pants. I went up and hugged him from behind because he was staring at his phone. He set his phone down turning around and hugged me back. He kissed my head and we went to bed. I lay there in his arms just thinking. I'm finally able to talk about everything because Luke listens and cares. I kissed his chest before falling asleep with a smile.

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