44 - Love Is In The Air

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 Luke opened the box and there was all the blue with a message written on it. There was also a box in the middle and it was opened. Once I realized what box it was my eyes got wide. The words written on it were "Will You Marry Me?" Tears automatically filled my eyes.  I looked over at Luke who grabbed the box and got the ring out.

He was on his knee and had it up towards me with pleading eyes for me to answer him. I heard gasps from everyone and awes. I couldn't look away from Luke. This was amazing.

"Nikki Wolverton you've showed me that I could love someone again, and this time I have never loved or cared about someone like I do about you. I may not have chosen right the first time but, now that I've found you, I know I'm making the right choice. You took in my two sons, and you're the best other figure besides my mama they have. You're beyond amazing and I'm completely in love with you. You're all that I dream about, you’re the woman I've written about. You're everything to me besides the boys. Please do the honors of marrying me and becoming my wife. So will you marry me Nikki?" Luke asked.

I was sobbing but I nodded my head in response. He put the ring on my finger real quick and leaned up more and kissed me. My hands went on each side of his face. He pulled away and whipped some of my tears away. We were both smiling like fools. I can't believe he asked me to marry him today. In front of everyone that we care about that we want in our lives.

I looked at Luke in the eyes and could tell he was in as much bliss as me. I know he had some doubt in his heart of me saying yes to marrying him but I clarified that I'm not going to go anywhere. I don't want to leave him, the boys, or the baby we have just created.

"Give it up for the newly engaged couple that is going to have a boy!" Jess said clapping. I looked at her and smiled. She knew about the engagement before anyone else too. She is such a good secret keeper.

"What are y'all's gonna name him?" Jason asked.

"Name him after me!" Alexis said and we laughed.

"Well, after going through books, and us being unable to decide and texting back and forth for a few months now we decided on…." Luke started to say but I kissed him to shut him up.

"How about all of you wait till he is born." I said pulling away. "A secret surprise."Luke smiled.

"Yeah, you all can wait for this. He only has a little more cooking to do before he is racing to the light." Luke said.

"Well at least we know it's a boy." Faith said.

Everyone was so excited after that was all done. I was even more excited. I was engaged to Luke Bryan. The man who has taken my heart, put it back together, and made it beat again. He has given me a family and is making it bigger with me. His sons love me and his family is very great.

His nieces came up to us and congratulated us before they had to leave with his mama and papa. They came from Georgia with them just for this. At least they didn't have to miss school for it. Everyone was around for quite some time. Jess and I talked for a little with Miranda and Faith on the back deck. Tate was off playing with the kids and left me alone.

Now there were drinks in most people's hands. There of course was only a Pepsi in mine. Luke was in the kitchen with the guys drinking while the women moved to the deck. This seemed so backwards to me. Luke kept looking out to the deck to check up on me. I saw him wink a few times. I wiggled my eye brows at him the last few times.

I was in the middle of a conversation with Miranda about this place in town that does hair well when Luke came up and put his arm around me.

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