32 - Serious Family Talk

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I was getting tired and must of fell asleep on Luke because when I woke up, I was in our bed, changed, and curled up in the blankets up next to Luke. I smiled and kissed his cheek before leaving the bedroom to get a shower and then dressed. I walked back into the bedroom looking at a sleeping Luke and feeling like I really love him. He surprised me and gave me the best birthday ever and is taking me with him on spring break. Everything is going to be great.

It was after dinner and all of us were in the Den. Luke and I was watching the boys play. Bo's knees felt a lot better and him and Tater were running around and playing. Luke kissed my forehead and held me close to him. This felt like something I've always wished for in my life. Luke told the boys it was time for their baths. They both ran upstairs and got ready. Luke and I put them to bed then he grabbed my hand and led me downstairs. He seemed like something was up with him then. I stayed standing while he leaned up against the door to his studio.

"You okay Hun?" I asked him as he looked up at me.

"Just in thought about yesterday." I smiled.

"Well I had a wonderful birthday. Thanks to you surprising me, and giving me such a great gift." I walked over to him and put my arms around his waist looking up at him. His hands rested on my butt. He smiled down at me.

"I'm glad you did baby. I'm more thinking about the Bo incident." He said. I raised an eye brow then realized he was talking about him crying for mommy and meaning me.

"Oh.." I said unknowing what to say. I guess he don't like that Bo called me mommy. My expression changed and he saw it.

"I talked to Bo about it. It was all so weird for me. I haven't heard Bo cry for anyone but me except when Caroline and I were together. When he didn't want to be in my arms and cried for his mom I was hurt." He looked up and away. "I knew he would remember her but didn't think he'd ever want her back since she hasn't been around for a long time now." I nodded then he looked down at me. "When he made it clear he wasn't crying for Caroline but for you, it shocked me. I would have expected Tate to say it first. He seems to be attached to your hip. Bo shocked me." I looked into his eyes and saw something in his eyes. They had a twinkle in them. "Bo called you mommy because he said you treat him good, and are like me but a woman." Luke smiled wide. "He asked me if he could call you that because he saw how I asked and I told him he has to ask you. I personally don't know how I feel about it. It's strange. We've been together for a little bit and my kids are already stuck on you." He smiled wider. That made me smile. "I'm more afraid of them and you getting so close then let's say it doesn't work out, and no I'm not hoping or planning on it not to work. Then there gonna be heart broke and this will be the second mom that Bo has loved and has left. Tate, well this will be his first mother experience." he told me. I nodded.
"Tate told me he loved me a while back. It threw me back. Luke, I don't want to hurt your or your children in anyway. I understand you have concerns and are scared. I'm as scared as you breaking those boys hearts and yours. I feel even now that I will do anything in my power to keep y'all's safe, and happy. You and your boys make me feel accepted, and I haven't felt that in such a long time nor thought I'd get to feel this way again. Even your parent's make me feel that way. It will hurt me to hurt any of you." I said looking into his eyes with tears. I truly didn't want to hurt them. I can honestly say I do care so much for them. It is like a little family already made and has accepted me and helped me out so much already. He put his forehead on mine.

"I know how much you care. Hell we weren't even together when you showed you'd risk your own life for my family. That is what really helped me choose whether or not to move forward with you. My whole family feels greatly towards you. Are you okay if the boys do call you that?" He asked me. My eyes opened to look into his.

"Yes." I said.

"Then I'll have no problem with it." He leaned in kissing my lips softly. He then hugged me to him. His one hand on my head and the other on my back. He rubbed my back. I smiled wide. I closed my eyes listening to his heart beat. He then pulled away and we went upstairs for a shower then to lie in bed. He held me closer to him and kissed my forehead. He was humming a tune I didn't know.  "Nikki." he said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Luke." I said back softly.

"I love you." He said with such care in his voice. His tone was soft and low. I was kind of shocked not thinking he would say that. I moved and turned my head to him. He looked down at me searching my eyes. He had hope in his. I slowly put a smile on my face.

"I love you too."

He leaned in kissing me. It then escalated from there to him on top of me. We had sweet passionate sex which is something I haven't felt in such a long time nor with Luke. There was something different about this than what I had with JC. This felt more involved and pure. I didn't know I could ever feel something like this again or with anyone. I thought that JC truly was the one. Maybe there is more than one person out there for me. Maybe JC was not the one. Maybe Luke is.
I can't get too ahead of myself and rush into thinking he is the man I should of fell in love with long ago. We were put together now and it is going great. Thanks to Luke I feel extravagant and happy. We just laid there in each other's arms falling asleep with smiles on our face.


I'm sorry that this is a short update BUT the next one will be better I promise. Since this is a short chapter I'm keeping the votes to 10 for this one. Chapter 33 will need 15 to get a quicker update.

Please tell me about the story and what you've liked the most so far! Keep voting and commenting please. :)


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