10 - Forgotten Protection

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Luke's alarm woke both of us up knowing that it was time to get dressed and head off to his second interview. We got dressed and headed there. The interview was like that one. It was a lady this time and she kind of gave me the stink eye. I know Luke noticed. This was in a radio studio. He had me sitting next to him. He put his hand on my back and rubbed it knowing that I was going to give her the stink eye back. That's rude to do that to some chick you don't know. I looked at him during the interview and he would smile when I would glace at him. I was glad when that was over. The lady didn't even shake my hand. Luke walked out of there with me hand in hand to the truck.
We went to the beach again and swam doing the same thing minus drinking. We then went back to the hotel room. I got my shower and was just in a towel when Luke knocked. He told me to grab something nice to wear because we were going to a nice place to eat with Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. My eyes got wide. I opened the door to look at him with wide eyes.

"What if I don't have something nice?" I asked him. He smiled.
"What if I said that nice as in Jeans and a pretty shirt would do?" I smiled.
"Ok, get it for me. I'm in a towel." He just laughed. He already got his shower and was dressed.
"You want me going through your things and possibly touching all of your underwear?"
"You either do that or see me in just a towel." He thought for a few seconds then sat on the bed arms crossed. I sighed. "Fine." I said stepping out making sure my towel was around me enough. I crouched by my stuff and got a nice shirt and tight jeans. I grabbed my makeup and hair things. I then scurried back into the bathroom and got dressed. I walked out with my hair nicely done, and I did my makeup. Luke smirked at me.
"Now that's beautiful. Perfect." He made the ok symbol with his hand. I giggled. I shook my head.
"Are we leaving now?" He nodded.
"Come on malady." He said putting out his hand. I grabbed it. He kissed my hand and then led us out the room. We got a taxi to where we had to go. When we got out he grabbed me and put my arm under his linking our arms. Tim and Faith were right there in front of us. My heart stopped because Faith was always a woman I thought was so gorgeous and was an idol of mine for years. "Tim, Faith, this is Nikki. Nikki you know them." I nodded smiling. Faith hugged me and Tim did too.
"Luke didn't say he had a gorgeous woman by his side. He said he was just bringing a lady." Faith looked at him. "Hiding this one?" She winked and he laughed.
"Oh don't torture him and make him unable to do the show with me tomorrow. Come on guys. I already got us a table." Tim said. He held the door open for all of us to come in. The waitress seated us. We all got high end beers to drink. Luke told me to drink up because we got a taxi. I smiled at that. We all talked for a while then the guys got into a conversation.
"So how long have you known Luke?" Faith asked me as I took a sip of my beer.
"About two months now?" She nodded smiling.
"He is a nice guy. Tim is having him join his tour after his 5 days of his farm tour. Tomorrow Tim needed a filler because another guy had a family emergency." I nodded.
"He is a great guy." I said not knowing what else to say. I was nervous seeing her.
"How's he and the boys treating ya? Pain in the asses?" She laughed I did too.
"Oh no. They're both fine. Luke's a sweetheart and busy. The boys are adorable angels. Tater really put a liking into me. Bo seems distant and a major daddy's boy."
"He was like that with Caroline too. Always wanted Luke." She laughed. "Bo picks and chooses. I know that because he likes Tim more than me." I laughed with her on that. "So where are you from?"
"Outskirts of Nashville. Lived there most of my life." She smiled and nodded.
"It's nice here. I love it. Maybe you and Luke can come over and have a baby sitter one night. We can all shoot the breeze and have a little fun."
"That would be nice." I told her.

The waitress came back and got our orders. Everyone was now in a conversation. I stayed quiet most the time though. I didn't know what to really say. I saw Tim grab Faiths hand on the table while talking. I just smiled. They were adorable as a couple. The way she looked over at him and smiled made you know they loved each other.

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