19 - Involved

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I dreamed about walking this pathway in the fall leaves. I got to this opening with a fishing hole. I sat at the end of it on this rock. I looked at the water and heard beards and fish jumping in the water. Then someone sat next to me. It was JC. I had tears in my eyes and I hugged him. He told me he will always be here but I have to go on and be happy. He'll be happy as long as I keep myself happy and make a life. He then got up and walked away. I then heard crying. I looked all around in my dream. There was no one around. Then I realized who's it was. It was Taters. My eyes opened and I was looking at Luke moving to his side. He then sat up.

"Daddy!" Tater said crying. There was light filling the room. I whipped my eyes and laid on my back. I then turned back over noticing Luke had the light on.
"What Tater bug. You okay baby?" Luke said now sitting up. I could see the top of his hair which was all messy due to him just getting outta bed. I smiled.
"Nikki's gone. She's not in her room. She's gone daddy!" Tater cried harder. I decided to act like I was still sleeping. "I went to her room cause I woke up, and it was dark, and no one was in there. I don't like dark room's daddy and she wasn't there." He sniffled.
"She's not gone baby. She's right here." I felt him move. I heard little sniffles. "She is sleeping Tater. See. It's 5 in the morning." Luke said all tired. I felt a little shift in front of me happen. I snuggled closer to the pillow.
"She sweeping?" Luke laughed.
"Sleeping." Luke corrected.
"I said that. She slweeping." Tater told him. He poked my forehead. I scrunched my nose. He giggled. He had his face close to mine because I could feel his breathing on my nose.
"Let her sleep Tater. Nikki and Daddy are tired."
"Why does she get to sleep in here? I want to but you said I gotta be a big boy." Tater said and huffed.
"If you want to go back to sleep in here you can. She can sleep in here because she is an adult and adults can sleep together when they're uhh.. involved." Luke said. We are involved? Does that mean since we had sex? I yawned but neither of them noticed.
"Is that why she slept in your bunk on the bus?" He asked getting under the covers. I felt Luke move.
"Yes buddy."
"What's involved mean?" He asked.
"Involved means two adults are uh, you know Uncle Jason and Aunt Jessie?" I didn't hear a response from Tater so he must have shook his head. "Well like them. We aren't married like they are."
"Is she you're girlfriend like Uncle Blake and aunt Miranda?" Tater asked.
"No…" Luke trailed off.
"Oh okay."
"Is Bo up Tater?" Luke asked. I felt him move the covers making my arm get covered now.
"No. He slweeping." I tried to hold in a yawn but I couldn't. A little noise came out too. I grabbed onto under my pillow more to make it seem like I was sleeping still. I heard Luke chuckle. "She still slweeping daddy?"
"Yeah buddy. Try to go back to sleep till one of us wakes up."

"Okay Daddy." I felt him get closer to me. He was right against my arm.  I heard Luke turn off his night stand.
"You want the light on Tater? Nikki and I are here to protect you from monsters. They're scared of us so they won't get you."
"No thank you Daddy. I'm okay." He said. I heard his little voice and felt his breath on my arm as he spoke. I smiled. Luke shifted in the bed.

I slowly let myself drift back into sleep. The boys fell asleep before me. I did fall asleep though. I woke up about two hours later. I tried to move my one arm but Tater had a death grip on it. Light was now in the room and Luke was fast asleep with his arm over his face. His lips were slightly parted. I smiled. Tater was holding onto my arm and had his lips parted just like Luke's. I sat up a little so I could use my other hand to pry his hands off me. I did with full success. I slowly got out of bed not waking them. I made sure the blankets were still on Tater.
I walked out of the room checking on Bo. He was sleeping still too. I went into the kitchen and saw that it was 7:30. I made me a cup of tea. While the water boiled on the stove I went into my room and got dressed. When I was done I walked into the kitchen hearing the kettle. Bo was sitting at the table with a piece of paper and a couple crayons. I looked at him and smiled.

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