2 - Contract

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 Blake then went back to sitting down with the boys. Luke and I went upstairs and he already had his papers in hand that I was supposed to read and agree too. They were written in his hand writing I presume. The first one said.

The duties that are to be done for the job:

Cleaning (Floors, laundry, kitchen, living room, my room, boy's room, bathrooms, your room, back yard, and possibly clean vehicles.)

-All floors must be swept, mopped or vacuumed when needed.

-Thursday is laundry day. I would like me and my children's cloths done and put away in their proper place.

-Kitchen should be spotless at all times unless I throw a party with my friends. (This happens once a month.)

- The living room, den, and sun room must be cleaned after the boys play in there. They normally put their own toys away. Make sure there are no marker marks on the carpets, floors, pianos, walls, TVs, or any other surface other than their desk and paper.

- My room is normally always clean but sometimes I need a little help making sure my clothes

-the kids rooms should be cleaned daily. They need help with making their beds, and making sure all their toys are put away. Their clothes will be lying around most of the time so help teach them that putting their clothes in the laundry basket is a good thing.

-The bathrooms should be spotless at all times just like the kitchen. Make sure the fresheners are always working and that lights are always off and doors are closed. Make sure rolls are always in place and extra are put under the sink. They should be cleaned often so they are kept the way they are now.

-Your room is your place. I will not enter there, nor will the boys unless you allow them. There is a key to lock it and the only one who has the spare is me. I assure you that you do not need to lock your room. Please keep is clean just like every other room. You can keep it how you like it and decorate it.

-The back yard should have all the boys' toys, and mine away in the garage or shed. After a party I will help clean up the next morning. You do not have to mow the grass that is taken care of by me and when I'm not home it's taken care of by someone else.

-My Vehicles are very important to me. I do keep them dirty for some time. We can discuss if you will want to clean them or not because I'm fine with doing it myself because I clean them a special way.

Food: (I like anything; the boys are a little picky.)

- Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner should all be made. The boys can have small snacks.

+ Breakfast - most mornings it is fine not cooking, but having the cereal, milk, bowls, and spoons out is fine with me.  The boys love their cereal.
+ Lunch can be a surprise of anything you make

+ Dinner can also be a surprise. If I catch any deer, or anything else I would like that cooked unless you had something planned then it could be fine for the next day.

- Buying food: I will give you a list that we enjoy and you can buy that and everything around it. I will trust you with my credit card to go out and buy everything. Tater loves to tag along so if he likes you enough he will hound you to go. Do not get a bunch of candy foods.

My downstairs:

-It is not off limits to let the boys play in that living room but it is off limits to the music room unless I'm there. Bo can play the piano upstairs but not the one downstairs without me. Tater will bang on the drums downstairs and he is allowed to have the bongo's that are put off to the side if he decides to play. They must be played in the living room area and put back when he is done. The door will be locked unless I'm downstairs. If at any time I'm not down there and it's unlocked you can lock it up.

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