11 - Your Own Room

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When we woke up the next day, we had to get all our stuff packed and ready. We dropped off the truck and got a taxi to the airport. On the plane Luke kept his head back and held my hand. He took a quick nap. I just watched whatever show they had on. I woke him up when we were about to land.
When we got home I went back to working instantly. I deiced since I missed Thursday; I was going to do laundry today. Luke went off and said he had to go do something at Jason's. He asked if I wanted to but I declined and said I should really do laundry and clean up the house better before the boys get back tomorrow. By time Luke got home, all the beds were done and changed. The clothes were folded and put away. I even mopped and vacuumed everything. The counters were spotless and the house smelt clean. Even downstairs. Luke was surprised. He brought home Taco Bell because he wanted Tacos and he was starving. He got home around 8 so we ate that. We both talked for a while and got into talking about our childhood.

"And that was the first time I realized I was meant to sing. What did you want to be when you were younger?" He asked.
"A whole bunch of things. Teacher, Vet, Doctor, Nurse, Singer, my weirdest one was being a professional dirt biker." He raised an eye brow.
"Really? You don't seem for one to raise hell too much. Well I know you can but not like that. I see you as tough but not in that sense."
"Oh, you don't know me yet. I am a mean person when I have to be. I let people do whatever they want to me as long as they don't hurt people I care about." I smirked. "Then I become a bitch."
"You a bitch? That'll be the day."
"I'm not a sweet lil southern belle." I told him.
"Well that's how I see you. Hell you don't ever raise your voice."
"No point to. People and kids listen better when they are talked to sternly. As long as you never piss me off you'll never see the hell my daddy raised me to do. He said I raised hell just like my mama when I was a teenager. JC thought it was funny to piss me off till he realized when I got extremely pissed." Luke laughed.
"I'll take that warning. I wanna see you raise hell though."
"Just don't do it on purpose. Pisses me off more." He nodded. "I rather not yell at you or get pissed at you." He just smiled.
"You're nice, sweet, and a good person. You treat me well, and so do your son's. I don't want to unleash the beast." He smirked.
"Maybe that wouldn't be that bad of an idea." he winked then. I laughed. He then got up from the table.
"Ready to hit the sack? The boys will be here at 10 and it is already 10." I looked at the clock and he was right. I nodded. "Alright get changed then just walk in the room." He said going upstairs. I quickly fallowed and got dressed for bed. I got into his room to see him in bed on his phone. I climbed in under the sheets. He put his phone on his night stand then shut the light out. He pulled me to him and rested his head on mine.

I was actually falling for him. I know I should be doing this but I can't say no to Luke. He is just way too nice of a guy and he actually cares for me. Also cuddling him every night is a huge impact of letting feelings out. Last night really turned me for a loop. He has seen me naked; he has felt me all over. I've also felt him all over and seen him naked. The way he kisses me reminds me of how everything use to be when I had a man and felt loved and cared about.
Luke moved his head and kissed me on the head.

"Did ya hear me?" he asked.
"No?" I asked. He must of said something while I was off ranting in my head.
"I don't think it would be great doing this if the boys are here." He said in a low voice.
"Oh." was all I could say. Great now this is going to end when the boys come back
"You okay?"
"Yeah, just tired. Sorry." I said snuggling to his chest. Honestly I wasn't. I wanted to keep this up but I knew this in the back of my mind. This would end up happening. He rubbed my back. He didn't say anything else. He fell asleep before me. I stayed up for a while thinking and fell asleep because I stayed up late making myself exhausted from my thoughts.

I woke up alone. I was still in Luke's bed covered in his camo bed sheets. I saw the suns light come through the window and light up the room. I stretched and curled back up in a ball. I was still tired. I was probably up till 4 in the morning. I looked over the bed to see if Luke left his phone but no. I crawled out his side of the bed. That’s when I saw the door was cracked. He must be downstairs.

I fixed his bed and went to his bathroom. I made sure my hair wasn't bed head before I headed downstairs. When I walked out the door, I looked ahead of me and saw Bo and Tater coming up the steps with Luke behind.

"NIKKI!" Tater yelled running to me as he got over the last step. He put his hands up for me to pick him up. He hugged me.
"Missed you buddy." I said. I looked at Bo. I crouched and gave him a hug so he didn't feel left out. "Missed you to Bobo." He hugged me tight.
"Missed you too." He said. He looked at me and smiled.
"Why you in sleep clothes?" Tater asked me as I stood back up. I looked at him.
"I woke up recently. Couldn't sleep last night." I said and Luke looked at me questioningly.
"I made a drawing I wanna show you! Get dressed so we can play!" Tater said excited.
"Alright buddy." I said laughing. I put him down and the boys then ran to Bo's room. Luke stood there and looked at me.
"Couldn't sleep?" I shook my head.
"I was tired but I guess my mind was full of stuff. I finally fell asleep probably at 4 in the morning." He laughed.
"No wonder why you slept till 12. It was hard keeping the boys from running upstairs and finding you in my room. They wanted to see you." I smiled.
"Well, let me go get dressed and the day can start. Did ya'lls eat lunch?" He nodded.
"I'll go get dressed then and see what the boys drew." I said he smiled then walked to his room.

I got a quick shower and dressed. The boys showed me their pictures and then had me play with them. Luke was on the phone downstairs talking to people. Everything felt like it went back to normal. I made dinner and then got the boys in the bath alone. I got them dressed and put them both to bed. I made sure everything was clean. I then went upstairs and got into bed. It was about 9:30 when Luke knocked on my door and walked in. I just looked at him and sat up.

"So I'm gonna give you a run down on how life's gonna be like while I'm on tour. You'll be alone with the boys most the time. Miranda said she would come over and hang out with you to make sure you have girl time. Jess said the same thing. So you won't be always alone with the boys. I'll call you a few days before I have tickets for all three of you to spend about a week a month with me on tour. Last three weeks of my tour you will be alone with the boys and I trust you. I know they're in good hands. Think you'll be alright for that long time minus the three weeks you'll see me?" I nodded.
"I done it for five days in a row, so I think I'll be fine." He smiled.
"Good. Thank you."
"Anytime. It is my job, remember?" He nodded.
"Of course. Though, I don't feel like I give you a job. I don't know it's an odd feeling I have. This isn't a job. I might just be thinking further into it than I should but oh well." He looked at me. He leaned over and kissed me. His hand went to my face. He pulled away leaving his hand. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." I said and he left the room. I sighed as he shut the door. That night I tried sleeping but it was hard again. My alarm in the morning woke me up.


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