22 - Date Night

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 Luke was home when I got there. I walked through the door and it was after 6. I walked past the Den and up the steps. I didn't even care where he was. I had to get dressed. I grabbed all that I needed and went into my bathroom.
I got the dress on. I then did my make-up. It made sure the shadow matched my dress. My hair was kept down but I curled it more than it already was. I made sure the curl on my bangs was perfect for me. I sat on my bed to put the heels on. I sat up and flattened out the dress. I grabbed this black purse that I had which was small and looked nice. I put my phone and wallet in there. I looked at the clock in my room and it said 6:40. I quickly got out of my room going downstairs. Luke walked out of the kitchen as I got to the bottom steps. He looked at me and he seemed stunned.
He walked over to me. He grabbed my hand twirling me like he has done before. My curls flew through the air then rested on my shoulders as I looked at him again. He smiled at me.  He held onto both of my hands. He pulled me closer so I would hug him. He hugged me and gave me a kiss.

"You look amazing Nikki." He said smiling. I blushed. "Turn around and close your eyes." I raised my eye brow. He did a twirl thing with his finger which made me giggled. I did what he said. "Pick up your hair please." He asked. Since he asked nicely of course. I smiled with my eyes closed and I felt his hand go around me ten I felt something on my skin. I then realized it was a neck lace. He clipped it on. When he removed his hands I turned around and opened my eyes. "Go into the bathroom and see it." He said. We both walked into the half a bath near the kitchen. I walked in turning on the light. I saw the three diamond necklace hanging from my neck. My mouth was wide open. I covered it with my hand. I looked over at him and hugged him.
"This is beautiful." I told him. I tried to not get so emotion so I would ruin my make-up. He held me back. "Thank you so much. You didn't have to." I pulled away. He smiled wide.
"Well, I was debating when I was out to get it or not. I saw it and thought it would look great on you the other day. Then seeing it earlier made me pick it up instantly. Now I really don't regret it because it goes with your dress and how beautiful you are." I grabbed his face and kissed him.
"Has anyone told you you're a charmer?" I smirked pulling way. He nodded.
"Yes, but I save the best for the best." I blushed.

We walked out of the bathroom and he grabbed my hand. We walked out the door to his truck. He opened the door for me and helped me get in. He shut the door going onto his side. Wow. He is being a real gentleman today. I was still surprised by the necklace.
I watched the scenery go by. He had the radio on. We were in town Nashville in a few minutes and he was turning every which way. Then a song came on that made me smile. Maroon 5 This love. I sang along to it. I looked over at Luke out the corner of my eye. He was now smiling looking over at me every few seconds. We finally got there and it was a really fancy restaurant.
Luke helped me out of the truck and held my hand as we walked up. We were then brought to our table and Luke pulled back my chair. I moved in and he pushed it in for me. He sat across from me. The room was dim and there was a candle that was lit in the middle of the table. We ordered our drinks. He then said to get whatever. We both got salads to start off with. Then ordered steaks. We then got our dessert of a rich red velvet cake.
Luke then paid for the bill and left that man a very big tip. He pulled out my chair and then walked me out. Doing the same gentleman things. He held my hand on the way back. Everything seemed to be going perfect. Our conversations were great. We learned so much more about each other. He made me laugh a lot. He grabbed my hand across the table during dinner. He complimented me. I felt like this was one of the best days I have had in so many years and didn't want it to end.
When we got to the house, he opened the door and helped me out. He opened the door and let me go in. I walked in and was about to turn around when his arms were around me. He told me to close my eyes and I did. I heard him leave me then go by me. I wanted to peak but I didn't want to ruin the surprise. I heard moving around in the Den. I just stood still and put my hand over my eyes. I heard him stepping towards me. He grabbed my hand from my eyes and he said I could open my eyes. I looked right at his. He had a huge smile on his face and still had my hands in his. He let go of my left and then walked me towards the Den.

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