4 - Let's Go To Jason's

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I woke up about 7 in the morning. I got dressed and did my hair nice. I heard no one up and opened my door to make sure I would know when the boys got up. I quickly got to put my clothes away. When I was done, I did my bed and put my luggage cases in my closet. I went into my bathroom and made sure it was clean. I did the same to the boys then went downstairs. The kitchen was clean and then I headed to the basement. I put away the boy's toys they left. When I got back upstairs. I heard little feet. I walked to where I could see the steps and Bo was walking down the steps in his PJ's. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. Not long after like Luke said Tater was pulling his door open and trying to quickly get down the steps. I helped him down and had the boys in the kitchen feeding them Captain Crunch.
The boys were in the middle of their breakfast when I heard another door shut. I went to the coffee pot and made it. I turned it on and let it brew. When I turned back around Luke was walking into the kitchen kissing his boys on the head.  He was in shorts and no shirt. I tried not to stare but I did. I can't do that. He is my employer. I may have liked the sight and bit my lip but I had to turn around. I grabbed him a bowl and spoon. I asked him what cereal and he answered with a smile. When I gave it to him he thanked me. I then grabbed his cup of coffee. I asked him how he liked it and made it. When I handed it over he took a sip and his eye brows rose.

"Wow. You got it perfect." He smiled.
"I try." I smiled back. I grabbed the boy's bowls since they were done. I put them in the sink and started washing.
"Daddy we gonna go wheeling?" Bo asked Luke.
"Not today buddy. I got a few things to do downstairs then Uncle Jason's coming over. Maybe we will do it tomorrow." I finished washing their bowls and dried them putting them away. I turned around and put their cereal away. I didn't get into their conversation.
"Uncle Jason!" Tater yelled and giggled.
"Come on boys. Let's get dressed for the day." Luke said. I grabbed his bowl and things and put them away and cleaned the bowl. I heard his chair back up and then other little feet his floor. When I turned around Luke was standing close to me. He smiled. I felt my pant leg gets pulled.
"You gonna help or what?" Tater asked me. I laughed. Luke did too.
"That's not nice to ask that way Tater Bug." Luke told him. "Bo can get himself ready. Just help him with his shoes; unless I am done getting dressed before the boys I'll help him." I nodded trying not to stare at him bare cheated.
"Roger that. Come on Tater. "I said and he let me pick him up. Bo looked at me and frowned. I smiled at him. "You want up too?" He nodded. I picked him up and put him on my other hip. Luke looked impressed.
"Strong too huh? Maybe this winter I can have you cutting logs or when we go out camping." He smiled.
"Not like I haven't done it before." I smiled at him walking past him with the two boys on my hips.
"I was joking. I won't make you do that. That's a man's job." he said when we got to the top of the steps I let the boys down.
"I can do anything a man can do, sometimes even better." I smirked at him. He smirked back.
"We will see." He said walking to his room. I walked into Taters room.

I helped Tater get dressed for the day. When he was done, I walked into Bo's room and he was just not trying to do his shoes. I bent down and helped me. I showed him how to tie his left shoe and made him try his right. He almost got it so I told him next time he will try again. When both boys were done they ran into Luke's room. I just smiled and shook my head. I walked into my room and got my phone. I checked it and saw I had a few notifications. I was looking at it when I heard someone clear their throat. I quickly turned around and saw Luke leaning against the door. I put my phone in my back pocket and just smiled at him.

"I'm gonna take the boys outside and play ball. If you want to join you can." he offered.
"I'll just clean up a little bit then I'll be out if ya'lls are still out there." He nodded.
"So far nothing is dirty. I cleaned everything the day before you got here. Unless the boys are drawing on the walls as we speak, you're fine." He smiled. "Since there is nothing to do for a while, then you can come out. Till lunch." He is really being friendly and trying to keep me in view. Maybe he is still seeing how I am if yesterday was just a charm thing.
"Since you pull my arm so hard, I'll come." I joked with him. He shook his head and moved so I could walk past him.

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