5 - Surprises

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A month has gone by and everything is going smooth. It's a lot better than any other place. Luke wasn't home for two days this week so I had to deal with the boys all by myself but I didn't mind. It was mid day and the boys were taking a nap. I decided to go into the living room and do my yoga that I have been slacking on. I popped in my DVD that I fallow and started doing it. Halfway through was a two minute rest. I grabbed my drink off the coffee table and sipped it. I took my little breather and started the rest of what I had to do. When I was done. I got out of my position and stood up stretching. I turned around and Luke was just standing there with a huge smile on his face. I jumped slightly.

"Didn't know you were there. Need something?" I asked. He shook his head no.
"Not really. You do yoga?" He asked. I nodded.
"Keeps me in shape. Easy to up and do something right in the middle too instead of going jogging or something. Plus this is a mental relaxation too."
"I can't do it." He said chuckling.
"You are flexible. I'm not." He smirked. He giggled a little.
"If you're pant's weren’t so tight maybe you could be." I winked. He laughed.
"Touché, but you're wearing tight ones."
"Yoga pants. Stretchy." I said pulling them from my thigh and letting them go right back to their tightness. He raised an eye brow. Then looked away to the window.
"I'm taking us out to dinner tonight. Give you a break of cooking. So you can go get ready, and then get the boys ready. Make sure it's nice attire. I want fancy food. So uh, I'll be downstairs finishing up while you get ready then I'll get ready myself. Sound good?" He smiled. I nodded.
"Roger that sir." I said saluting him. He laughed.
"At ease private." We both smiled at each other.

I went upstairs. I got a quick shower and dried my hair. I then put on my underwear and bra. I then texted Luke.

-Fancy dinner as in Dress fancy or nice pants and shirt?-

*You own a dress? Wow. Do that.* I smirked

-You'd be surprised.-

*I love surprises*

I got my nice short teal color dress. I did up my hair and put on my nice earrings. I did up my make up lightly and looked at myself in the mirror. I then put on my heels. I grabbed my phone then headed to Taters room. He would take the longest to wake up and get dressed. He complemented me on how pretty I was. That made me smile. Tater and I walked to Bo's room but he was not in there. I hollered down the stairs and Luke said him and Bo are waiting on Tater and me. I walked down the steps with Tater in arms. I let him down and he ran into the living room in his nice little dress shirt, pants, and boots. I slowly walked in there and I saw Luke bending down to pick him up.

"Daddy! Nikki looks pretty! Nikki's pretty!" He repeated. He pointed over to me and Luke looked in my direction. His jaw dropped. He looked amazed and stunned. Bo looked at me smiling.
"Saying I ain't pretty besides now Tater Bug?" He shook his head.
"You always pretty." He smiled wide just like Luke. I looked back at Luke and he had the same expression. I smiled.
"You alright there Luke?" He looked me right in the eyes. That made my smiled fade. There was something in his eyes that made me feel some sort of way. Something more than just what you would if you looked into an employer's eyes or friends. He finally spoke breaking our trance.
"Just wow. When I said I liked surprises, you really uh surprised me. You look beautiful." He looked me up and down and had a huge smile on his face. I blushed.

We then got into his truck and went off. It was a quiet ride. The music was on low. I had my arm resting on the center console. I felt Luke's arm right next to mine. His hand touched mine quickly. We both looked over at each other. I smiled and so did he. We then finally got to the nice fancy restaurant. I got Tater like always and Luke had Bo walking next to him holding his hand. Luke already had a place reserved. I had Tater on my right, Luke on my left, and Bo across from me.
Luke and I talked till the waitress came up.

"Hello, my names Maria. I'll be your server for today, what can I start y'alls out with?" She asked looking at Luke the whole time.
"The boys would like water or if you have orange juice that would do." Luke said not looking up at her. Then he closed the wine menu. "I would like two glasses of Merlots vintage. That's fine with you right." He looked at me. Oh, he ordered me wine. Okay. I nodded with a smile. "I'd also like a water to go alone with it." She nodded then looked at me.
"And for Mr. Bryan's lady." She smiled at me. Oh?
"Water would be fine." I smiled at her. She nodded. I looked over at Luke as she left. He smiled at me then looked at the boys. They were playing with stuff on the table. I have to say those boys are so adorable.

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