43 - It's A Boy

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I'm 7 and a half months pregnant. I am a beach ball. I actually love being pregnant though. It's been enjoyable. Minus the fact that my feet sometimes swell, my back will hurt, and I get odd feelings that when I describe them to the doctor she say's is normal.

I found out that we were having a boy. Luke does not know because I told him he will find out at the baby shower since he was not around when I got the ultrasound. The boys also have been very good with me. They have not been rough on me. They pay attention. They clean up after themselves. They're being real angel's I must say. Especially when Luke was on tour they were great. Tate has even gotten closer to me and will protect my stomach. I find it adorable.

I am having the baby shower today. Luke has been around for the past half a month and has been trying to make sure I hardly have to do anything. He has been cooking all the time. He makes sure he helps the boys with things that are too tedious for me to do. Today Luke and my brother's wife has gotten everything together for the baby shower.
We had a kid's area for so that they wouldn't be bored with adult things. Most of the women wanted to know if they could bring their men so Luke wouldn't be bored. Which I was okay with since we invited Jess, Miranda, Faith, and a bunch of other women who their husbands or themselves have worked with Luke. Lady Antebellum is coming as well. Steven is coming because he said he has to be around for this.

I was excited as people started to show up. Everyone had boxes or cards. We set up a registry at Baby's R' Us, but I guess this is more personal. The only other person besides me that knows the baby's sex is Jess. She is the one who picked out the cake and put it in the fridge but has it in a black bag so no one see's the sex of the baby yet. We are getting neutral colors for the room.

Once everyone was here I walked around trying to make sure I got to talk to everyone and Tate was up my behind the whole time. He didn't want to play with the other kids. Every time I would ask him he said he wanted to be with mama today. He said this is mama's day. I just let him do what he wanted. I didn't see Luke since before people started to arrive. He was probably catering to people even though his mother said she would do that so we could be together and I would really love that.

I was going back into the living room when I felt arms ago around me and rest on my big bump. I smiled seeing the hands and knowing they were Luke's I turned around and kissed him.

"Eww!" Tate said and Luke and I laughed.

"Yeah come on, that's how the one in your stomach now was made." I heard Steven say. My eyes went to him. He must of just got here. I smirked.

"Oh, you know. I'm just trying to get her double pregnant." Luke said chuckling giving Steve a handshake and a bro hug.

"Kissing brings on babies? I thought it was love." Tate asked confused. Luke and I looked at him.

"It's more than just kissing and love Tate. I'll explain more when you and Bo are older." Luke said.

"Don't worry kid, you don't want to know yet. It's pretty graphic. Hey Junior is here you gonna go play with him and Bo?" Steve asked Tate. He shook his head and hugged onto my leg. I had a maternity dress on which still looked nice on and I just looked down at him. Luke looked confused.

"He's been like this all day." I said. Luke smiled and bent down grabbing Tate and picking him up.

"You tryna have mama all to yourself today aren't you?" Tate nodded.

"Well, I can't be all yours today Tate. You can go play with the boys but when it's time for the presents you can be right by my side okay. Today is Mommy and daddys day. Daddy did have a part in this. I love you being around but don't you think Bo is getting lonely without you?" I asked Tate and he pouted.

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