15 - CMA'S

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We went to sleep that night and didn't wake up till about 10 the next day.  It was three days after my accident that happened and my head was healing up nicely. Luke has been acting slightly different in the way he is. He has been doing a lot for me even though I told him I could do things myself.  He made sure I didn't even have to do cooking or really anything labor. I was kind of sick of it and behind his back when he would be at shows I would do things. He also took me and the boys out to get a few more sets of clothes.

I just got out of the shower and put clothes on. My back even looked nice. Luke had a show tonight then the CMA's tomorrow. My head hardly looked like there was anything. Luke has been making sure it's been clean and medicated. I don't wear a bandage after last night. I was still afraid to brush my hair thinking I'd get the scab that was on it. I walked out of the bathroom with my brush. Luke was sitting with Bo and Tater on each side of him. He was showing them a magazine. The boys all looked at me. Luke smiled and had Tater move so he could come over to me.

"Thank you." I said handing him the brush.
"My pleasure." he said starting to brush my hair making sure he didn't hurt me or mess up the scab. "I have a question for you. If you're up to it." Luke said finishing up my hair then handing me the brush.
"What's that?"
"CMA's are tomorrow. I don't wanna walk the red carpet alone…"He started to say and my eyes lit up. He smiled. "Would you come along with me and be the beautiful woman I walk with?" I had a huge smile on my face.
"Of course!" I said hugging him.
"Oh gosh, I feel like he just asked her to prom. You're both too old for prom!" Michael said. The boys laughed.

'TOO OLD!" Bo and Tater yelled at us. We both looked at them and laughed.
"Hey, I'm not that old." Luke pouted.
"Only about 8 years older than I am." I said smiling. Luke glared at me.
"Gosh, don't make me feel worse." Luke said. I winked.
"Older men are better anyway."
"Ya daddy's cool!" Bo said. We all looked at him not getting the sex joke in that. Everyone laughed and he seemed proud of himself.
"Well then." Luke said still laughing then looking back at me. "Tomorrow is going to be really busy. You need a dress, heels, and hair done. Which is all going to be organized in the next hour for you to have done tomorrow?" My eyes got wide. Oh lord. I forgot about dress, and make up, and my hair.
"I need a hair do that will do with my damaged head."
"It'll be easy to hide don't worry."

We all hung around and talked after that. I was excited for tomorrow. I was going to the CMA's with Luke. This was going to be amazing. I never thought in a million years I'd be doing anything that I'm doing right now.  Luke did his concert that night and we all went to be quickly after because we would all want some sleep.
Luke woke me up around 8 in the morning. We had a lot to do in a little time before tonight. 12 hours seemed like a lot but we had to be there by 6 to make sure we did the red carpet by 7 and then at 8 the show started. So we had about 10 hours. I got my shower, had Luke help with my hair. I had comfortable clothes on and Michael was watching after the boys. Luke took him and I to this nice suit and dress place.

I got measured from head to toe by this one lady who seemed overly happy. Luke went off with a man to get suited. The lady asked me colors and what not and I had no clue. I told her ask Luke. I also told them I didn't want something that showed my back too much. Probably mid way up would be fine. The lady smiled and nodded. They picked out about 4 dresses and I got in all of them. I really liked the black and white one. The lady smiled and agreed. It was cut on the side going up my leg showing my leg for when I walked. It showed a lot of cleavage. It hid most of my back. It also fit like a glove. We got shoes to match and by time we did that Luke was done.

That surprisingly took till 1 in the afternoon. We then went this other place to do my nails. I haven't had them done since I got married. We were done by two. In two hours there was a lady that wanted to do my hair. We got back to the bus and waited. We got to hang out with the boys and eat. The lady was soon there. She was going to do my makeup and my hair. She knew about my head and said she had the perfect idea.

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