57 - Happily Ever After Or Not

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I'm going for my ultra sound today. Luke's schedule became way too hectic. Kerri tried to make sure he would be free but too much came up. I have Jess coming with me and she is going to face time him during the whole thing. Kerri gave him two hours of free time while I would be getting this done.

Jess has been acting a little weird lately and I want to get to the bottom of it. After we find out the sex of the baby her and I are going out for food. Steve was our nanny for the day and was okay with doing it. He luckily didn't have his kids or that would be 7 kids for him to handle alone.

Luke was already on the phone and Jess was holding onto it while the doctor was putting on the jell.

"So hoping for another boy or a girl?" She asked us.

"Girl." Luke said fast and we all laughed.

"We have 3 boys now so." I said shrugging.

"She needs to experience having a daughter. They both do. I have two at home and oh my god. It's crazy." Jess said.

"Jason and you could try for that baby boy." I said smiling at her and she turned her head.

"Good luck on that one." She said. I knew to drop it then and there. I looked and Luke was studying the screen.

"Alright, let's find the baby." The lady said moving the ultrasound around and putting slight pressure on my stomach. "There is the head." She said as we all watched. "Little arms and legs." I smiled remember seeing this with Buck. "There are the legs." She said and then she kept the study on the mid part. "I think I see this is going to be a…" She said looking at the screen more. "Another boy." I smiled knowing that I was going to have another boy. "He sounds and looks healthy as can be too." I looked over at Luke who had a huge smirk then got up.

"Hey guys!" He yelled. You could only see his stomach and his crotch area since he stood up. "Look at this. I'm having another boy!" He yelled. I heard a bunch of movement and Jess, the doctor, and I all laughed.

"He's on tour." I told her and she nodded.

"The things technology can do." She laughed. "Congratulations Mr. Bryan." The doctor said looking at Luke who was sitting down with about 5 heads around him.

"Thanks Doc. Baby we are naming him Clyde." Luke said I groaned.

"Oh hell no." I said and everyone laughed.

The doctor got me cleaned up and I could talk to Luke for quite some time. I got two sets of the ultra sound. One for the baby book and the other to send to Luke so he could have it right there with him. He said next time he does not care what Kerri says or does but she is making sure that he can be there. I can't believe he is already talking about another baby.

Soon I got off of the video chat with him and it was time for Jess and I to go out to dinner. She then said can we do take out and be at my house. Which I was fine with. I'd be able to sit in the living room and eat and get comfy.

We got Chinese takeout and sat in my living room. She was quiet for quite some time. I couldn't believe Jess was acting this way. She was always up beat and happy go lucky. Something was up with her and I had to find out what.

"Jess, what's wrong?" I asked putting down my food. She shook her head and then set her food down. She sighed.

"Jason cheated." She said trying not to break down. When she looked at me I had such a sympathetic look. Tears started to fall down her face.

"Oh Jess." I said and she instantly clinged to me and cried.

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