59 - Surprise Luke

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I'm on tour with Luke. I have been here for three days and here for another two. Today, we are going to the doctor. I had Kerri help me out. Today is also Luke's birthday and I'm going to play a trick on him. I'm going to have the Doctor give me an ultrasound that was already recorded to make it a boy. Little does Luke know that I already got one before I came to see if it was a girl and it is. He is going to be hysteric. This will make him happier than he has ever been. Well almost.

"You ready baby?" I asked Luke holding his hand as the driver drove us to where we had to go.

"Yeah. I have a good feeling this is going to be a girl." He said squeezing my hand.

"Me too." I said with a huge smile on my face. "Maybe we can name her what you've wanted." I said.

"Melody Lynn Bryan. I think we should change it up. Melody Nicole Bryan. Something close to her mama's name." I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Perfect. I love it." I told him. He moved his hand to go around me and pull me closer.

"I thought you would. I'm dressing this boy in girl clothes if it's a boy." Luke said serious. I gave him the most confused look ever then he couldn't keep his composure and laughed which made me laugh as well.

Luke and I had to wait a little in the waiting room. We were hoping they would put us right in because some people just couldn't stop staring. I know that they see the famous Luke Bryan in the doctor's office but come on, don't make it so obvious your staring or at least come up and say Hi, get your picture, and leave us alone.

Soon we were called in and quickly made our way back there. The one lady said it was to get us away from all those gawking women in there. I was fine with that. I laid back on the bed thing they have, and Luke said in the chair next to me. He was looking through his phone. I heard my phone vibrate, and then vibrate 10 thousand times. I looked at him and he just smirked. Then he started to watch a video. He handed it over to me and it was him in an interview.

"Just watch. You'll laugh." He said. I nodded and looked at it.

"Hello everyone I'm here with the famous Luke Bryan country superstar!" This man asked. "I only have very little time with him so I'm going to go fast through these since he is busy with tour." He looked at Luke.

"I have to pick up my wife from the airport." Luke smiled wide.

"Well, since most of these questions are about either the tour or your wife, let's hit on your wife since you're going to see her today."

"You're wife was originally your maid or nanny as some people call her. What do you think about you marrying your maid?" He asked.

"Well, no different. She does the same things as she did when she was a maid." He winked and then laughed. "I don't think of it that way. Seriously my answer would be I didn't marry my maid, I married the woman I fell in love with and still love to this day." I smiled wide hearing Luke say that.

"So that is why you are on baby number 3 with her?" Luke laughed.

"Well love has a lot to do with having a bunch of kids with her." Luke said. "I have to say I do enjoy the miscellaneous sex. You gotta play dirty, keep the sex rough, and make the fights clean." Luke wiggled his eye brows. The guys laugh.

"So you can say you guys are very active?"

"Yes. If a man is not active with his wife in the bed, he either is not attracted to her or afraid to tell her he can't get it up." Luke laughed and so did I. I looked at him. He smirked. "I'm very attracted to my wife. She is hot pregnant or not. She does yoga, keeps up with running with all four boys, she loves to go play tennis with Jess, or she will even do PT with her best friend Steve. She doesn't do all of that pregnant but she still looks sexy with a protruding belly." He smirked and the guy laughed.

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