8 - Come With Me

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I wake up with a splitting head ache. My hand goes to my head and my eyes try to open but the room is just way too bright. I groaned remembering most of last night. The memory of it came flushing back into my head making it pound more. I gave myself a few minutes and then I started to open my eyes and realize everything. I wasn't in my room. I was also extremely warm, barely clothed, and had an arm around my waist. There was also breathing on my neck. I picked up the blanket looking at the arm around me. I followed it up to see a buck tattooed on it. My eyes got wide. Shit, I slept with Luke last night. I kept trying to think of after beer pong.

Before I could remember everything Luke stirred from behind me pulling me towards him mumbling. I tensed up. I heard him say the words baby, and amazing. Oh god, what happened? His hand slid down my stomach more to where it was right above my underwear. I gotta get out of this bed. I tried my hardest moving his arm and not waking him but I succeeded. His head was still nuzzled to the back of my neck. I moved my hair and that made him move his head. I stopped doing what I was doing quickly and waited. I heard him make a noise then he moved his hand back to my stomach. Shit.

I moved my hair completely because he wasn’t resting on it and his head was further away. I moved to my back feeling his hand slid across my stomach. I looked over at him. He had a smile on his face as he slept. He looked so pleased. That made me not wants to leave the bed. He looked so cute when he was sleeping. He is going to remember this and what happened so if I leave the bed it's going to look bad. Isn't it? I was conflicted with what I should do. My final decision was to lay here and wait for him to wake up. Maybe I should act like I'm asleep or try to fall back asleep. I turned to face him and his arm rested over my side and his hand on my back right above my ass. His face expression changed and then he pulled me closer to him. My body was now up on his. I decided to fix myself to be comfortable. I was close to his chest and my head was resting on his arm that was under my pillow. My hand rested on his chest and he then got his smile back on his face. I let out a deep breath and closed my eyes. Hopefully I can fall asleep and this head ache will be gone when I wake up. I tried to think of what happened last night. I kept replaying everything over and over. Then it came to me. We didn't have sex. That was such a relief to me. I relaxed a little. I did love the feel of being cuddled. I felt sleep start to take over me again. I listened to his breathing and ours matched up right before everything went dark. I felt my arm getting rubbed. My head is on Luke's chest now. My eyes slowly opened. The room was still bright. My arm was over Luke's ribs. I looked up and saw Luke looking down at me. He smiled. I smiled back up at him. "Mornin Darlin."

"Morning." "How ya feelin?" He asked. "Fine. Woke up earlier hung over. I guess I slept it off." I removed my leg from on top of his. "How about you?" "Oh man. Head ache out the ass but, I'll be fine once I get some Advil. You had fun last night?" I nodded. "More than I ever have." He smiled. "Good. I guess we should get up." I started to move after he said that but he held me in place.

I then looked back up at him. He stared into my eyes. I felt like he wanted to say something. Then he loosened his grip on me and allowed me to move. I got up and stretched. I looked at the floor and there were my clothes. I decided to just up and grab them and walk out the door. I looked back at Luke who was still sitting in his bed looking at his phone. I saw a smile on his face. I just turned and went out his door.

When I got in my room I grabbed new clothes then got my shower. I made sure my hair was dry and that I looked not hung over. I actually looked refreshed. I went downstairs and got water and Advil. I went back up to Luke's room. He was standing shirtless at his closet trying to find out what shirt he wanted. I cleared my throat and he looked at me. He smiled and came over. He thanked me, grabbing the glass and kissed my cheek. He took his pills and drank the whole glass. I grabbed the glass and smiled going back to the kitchen. I started in there cleaning up everything. I threw what had to be thrown away in the trash, the things that needed to be washed in the sink, and swept the stuff on the floor in the dust pan putting it in the trash. I did those dishes so I had more room for what was outside. Luke came downstairs then fully dressed and I smelled his cologne. We both went outside and cleaned everything up. That took forever and a bunch of trash bags. We threw the trash in the back of my truck. He put the rest of the beer and alcohol that was still in ice surprisingly in his truck. We had the backyard cleaned and moved the stuff we had to back in the house. I cleaned everything up and put it all away. He put the beers away and took the trash out the back of my truck. I decided to mop the floor in the kitchen. When I was done I flipped onto the couch. That was a lot of work.  Luke soon plopped himself next to me. He turned on the TV but put his head back. We sat in silence for a few seconds before he spoke. "Are you afraid of planes?" He asked me. "No?" I questioned him. He turned his head to look at me. "Can you swim?" I nodded. "Have you been to Florida?" I nodded again. "Well are you willing to come with me to Florida for three days? I got two interviews and a show. No one would be here so, there is no point to keep you here." I raised an eye brow. "You want me to come with you to Florida?" "Yes." He smiled. "Well what do I do while you're doing your stuff?" "Accompany me? You can come; the interviews will be no longer than an hour. Then the show will be about a few hours. I'm only filling in and helping out someone for this show. You can either share a room with me in a hotel or have your own." I just nodded. "I guess I'll join." He smiled wide. "Good. We leave tomorrow morning at 5." He said then getting right up. "Well it's almost dinner time. What cha makin?" He asked smirking. "A surprise." I said getting up. "I'll look forward to it. I'll go pack what I need, and make sure everything is set. Want your own room or no?" He asked. "Surprise me." I smirked. He nodded smiling back. "Oh I will. These three days will surprise you." He walked away and I started to the kitchen to make dinner. I got out two steaks, with broccoli, a Caesar salad, and baked potatoes. I decided to make them cheesy baked potatoes. I set everything out on the table and it looked great. I yelled up for Luke and heard him coming right after I yelled. He jogged down the steps and smiled. He commented on the smell and I smiled. When he saw what I cooked he was surprised. We ate in silence and he was really enjoying his meal. He ate everything to the last bite. I finished and we had a small conversation on what I should bring to Florida. I didn't really have a bikini. I haven't gone swimming for a long time. Luke said when we get to Florida we'll get me one. Once the talk was done. I did the dishes and then went up and packed. I then got into bed and looked at my phone.

I had more and more followers on twitter now. I looked and saw they were most people from last night. Miranda, Blake, Jason, Jess, Jake, Tim, Toby, Carrie, and a few more. I was shocked. I followed them right back. I saw some posted pictures saying a fun night. Miranda had one of everyone dancing to Over The River. You saw Luke's hands on my hips. He wasn't the only one doing that to a girl but I noticed us over all. Wow. We looked drunk. I just smiled and put my phone on charge. I laid on my back and looked at the ceiling. The moonlight was coming through my window. I kind of wish I was in Luke's bed. I missed the cuddling of last night and this morning. I sighed and laid on my side closing my eyes. I felt myself drifting off into darkness.

I woke up by a knock on my door. "Ya?" I asked in my tired voice. Luke then opened the door and he was just in his boxers. "Uh, I know this sounds weird but I can't sleep." He said coming and sitting on my bed. I sat up looking at him. "Could you possibly spend another night in my room?" I nodded. I took the covers off and got out of my bed. He got up and helped me fix my bed. I walked behind him to his room. When we laid down he cuddled to my back. "Thanks. Last night just showed me how much better I sleep with someone." "I know the feeling." I said softly. He nuzzled his head to my neck. I moved my arm to hold onto his.

He fell asleep before me. He held me tight to him. His breathing on my neck kind of soothed me. I felt a lot safer and happier now. It was so much easier to drift off.

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