33 - Touching The Wrong Gal

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It has been three days since Luke and I have been in Florida for spring break. Everything is going wonderful. Luke and I seem ten times closer now. The boys even seem closer to me. Bo has called me mommy a few times but not much. Tater has probably said it a thousand times because Luke told Bo in front of him that it was okay. Tater thinks it's wonderful. I've actually missed them on this trip. They were being watched by Luke's parents. We drove them there and then got a plan from Georgia to here.

Luke finished his set about 15 minutes ago and I was waiting on him to walk around with me on the beach. I was in a tube top dress with sunglasses on. I was standing off to the side while Luke did his thing. I finished up the beer that I had and threw it away. Luke looked over at me and completely quit signing autographs and wrapped his arms around me. He smelled like beer, sunscreen, and his cologne.

"Come on baby. Let's go to the beach." He said grabbing my hand. He grabbed a bag and handed it over to me while he grabbed a cooler. Carter joined us along with James and Black Mike. When we got settled in we all laughed at some joke Carter said. Black Mike got out his camera and filmed the guys being goofy.
"Luke, this is your girls 1st LBTV." Black Mike said. Luke looked over at me and pulled me over to him. He held me from behind and turned so he could put his head on my shoulder.

"Ready?" Luke said and I laughed by how he sounded.

"Ya." Black Mike said with a smile.

"Hello Ya'll, Luke here. We are on the beach after my last day of Spring Break. I'm relaxing here with my friends, and beautiful girlfriend." He said kissing me on the cheek. I blushed. "Say Hi baby."

"Hi y'all." I smiled with a small wave.

"Ain't she cute?" Luke said to the camera.

"Yeah, enough loving her, let's get in the damn water." James said.

We all then got up and went into the water. We played around and swam. Luke pulled me to him and I wrapped my legs around his waste. He leaned in kissing me and then smiled. Then before I knew it he dunked me under and pulled me back up. I glared at him while he kept his beautiful smile on.

We went back to the beach, sun bathed, the guys played frisby, fans came up asking for pictures and autographs, and we even drank more. I was lying back with a shirt under my head feeling the nice warm rays of the sun hitting my body. I was starting to fall asleep listening to the guys laughing. I didn't want to answer Luke back because I really wanted to drift off to sleep and I did. I woke up listening to the guys having a nice calm conversation.

"Yeah, my wife and I are starting to have thoughts of another child." James said.

"Go for it man. I'm still waiting to have my first." Carter said.
"Luke, how do you do it? You know, go on tour, see them once in a long time it seems like, and are able to perform the way you do? I only have to deal with one, but two would really be a bunch of the wife." James said.

"I perform my heart out every night lifting my spirit. I try to talk to them as much as I can. I try to see them as much as possible. Also having a woman who is wonderful, and works with this type of job, and is wonderful with your children helps out a lot." Luke said and I could hear the happiness in his voice. I tried not to smile.

"You really love her don't you?" Carter asked him.

"I really do." Luke said and I could hear that he is looking at me now. This made me feel amazing and so loved and cared.

"Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" James asked.

"Not yet. It's still too soon." Luke said.

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