54 - Wedding

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I decided to make this a very long chapter compared to the other ones I had that is why it took me some time to update after I got the 28 votes. Thank you for your patience and I hope that you all enjoy.


~Nikki's Point Of View~

Today is my wedding day. I am beyond excited and hardly slept last night. Jess kept yelling at me to go to sleep because I was with her. Luke and I did that traditional thing of not seeing each other the night before the wedding. His parent's were looking after the boys.

Jess was in a fast mode. She was making sure everything was getting done that had to be done before Pierre came around. He was early today so all she had to do was make sure I was doing everything on time. That is what Pierre said is the only thing she needed to do. He made sure everything was looking great.

I had my nails done yesterday to make sure they were just right for today. I got them simply done as French tips. My hair was done in perfect curls and I had my natural hair color back. The girls had their hair and nails done as well. My dress was just now being put on and all the other girls were in theirs and in the room with me. It was soon going to be time.

Jess kept running through everything with everyone so no one would forget everything. She is such a woman that has to have everything done on time. I am so glad I have her as my best friend and maid of honor.

While we were waiting and my dress was just right and we were going to put the vale on. There was a knock on the door. Jess let them in while I was talking to Miranda. When I turned around it was Jason with a bag. Jess was gone and I smiled knowing both of us were getting our gifts.

"Luke said this is yours and that he wishes he could give it to your himself so you could get a kiss because I'm not allowed to." Jason said. I laughed knowing Luke would say exactly that.
"Well thank you for bringing it to me Jason." I said. I got the bag from him and got the box out of it.

I looked at him and he just smiled probably knowing what Luke got me. I slowly opened it and saw that it was a locket. It was white gold too. I smiled wide and grabbed it out of the box. I opened the locket and saw that it was a family photo. It had Luke and I. Bo was on his right leg, Buck was on both of our legs and then Tate was on my Left. We all had huge smiles and the picture was in black and white. I almost let a tear fall. This is an amazing wedding present. I looked at Jason and smiled.

"Can you put it on me please?" I asked and he nodded. I handed it to him and he put it on me.

"It looks good on you with the dress." Jason said. 

"Thanks Jason." Right then Pierre opened the door.

"We are ready for the bride to be in place. Come on people!" Everyone rushed out and I walked up to him and he was smiling.

"Everything is ready?" He nodded.

"The men and women are up first and then you sweetheart." He said and we started to walk. Everyone was just standing waiting for the cute of the music. My brother was standing next to me.

"You look amazing little sis." Alexis said smiling. I smiled to keeping my emotions to a minimum right now.

I was very nervous for this. It was my second wedding ever and this was way more extravagant and is what both of us want. My brother and I linked arms as we stood at the walk way. He looked over at me and I did at him. Both of us hoping nothing gets messed up, that everything will go as planned and that this is going to be the best wedding ever.

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