14 - Gratitude

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Luke grabbed the bags and Michael helped. The boys went in front of me so I made sure they got onto the bus. I went straight to the back and reclined. Tater fallowed me and sat next to me. He was doing his good boy impression. He knew he did wrong today. I looked over at him and smiled. I patted my lap and he crawled on top of my lap. I put my arms around him.

"Don't be upset Tater Bug. I'm okay." He tried to put his little arms around me and hug me tight.
"I didn't mean to get you huwrt though."
"I know. Just next time stick with Daddy or me okay?" He nodded. "Good. I'm happy you're okay." He looked up at me.
"But I didn't get huwrt." He said confused.

"If I didn't grab you, you would have been. I'm happy that I got to you in time. Seeing you all safe makes me happy. Now if you only smiled…." I said going to his stomach tickling him. He went into a fit of laughter. I laughed too as Luke walked in.
"Good to see you two having a good time." Luke said standing holding his phone and looking back down at it.
"She tickles me!" Tater squealed as I went to tickling him again but didn't even touch him. We all laughed.
"I bet she did. How ya feeling Niks?" Luke asked. Niks? Okay, I guess I'm okay with that nick name.
"Fine. Slight pain but like I said, I'll be fine." he came over and sat next to me.
"Well, since you got hurt, I say ya'lls don't leave for another week so I can help and so can the guys. No protesting." He said pointing his finger at me. I let a small smile escape. "Also ordered your favorite Chinese food for ya. Should be here any time. Michael went to pick it up. I then smiled wide.
"Thank you Luke." He smiled back at me.
"Go change that shirt." Luke pointed at my shirt. I huffed.
"That's work." He laughed.
"I'll help." He winked. I rolled my eyes.
"Tater go sit with Daddy. I'll be right back." He nodded and climbed over to Luke. "Watch the boys. I'll do it myself." Luke pouted then when I smiled he smiled right back.

We just hung around and Bo came back playing around. He and Luke played a few games. Tater just stayed with me. I feel like he didn't want to leave me because he was concerned and felt bad. When the food got there we all ate. I wanted to go to bed. The boys were still hyper. I sat in the back watching them play. It was only 7. I laid myself down on the couch and curled up. The TV was on and it was showing a commercial for the CMA's. They were in about 4 days. I smiled seeing Luke was nominated for best male vocalist and entertainer of the year. I felt my eyes getting heavy and I closed them. I was about to doze off when I felt the couch move by my head. My eyes opened and I saw Luke sitting there staring down at me.

"Sorry." He said. I shook my head lightly.
"You're alright." He smiled.
"Tired?" I nodded. "Common. Got to get that bandage off. Clean it up. Put the medication on it. Then you can hop in our bunk." He said.

I smiled when he said our bunk. We have been staying in there since that night, and the boys haven't said anything. Michael has to Luke but I never heard Luke's response.  Luke got up and held out his hand. I sat up and took his hand. We then went to the front of the bus. We got the bandage off and Michael and James were around to see. Kurt was in the back with the boys so they were not alone. When he got it off I felt him move my hair. It hurt a little more now that I wasn't pissed.

"How's it looking Dr. Bryan?" I asked. He chuckled.
"Better. Not by much though. Mike. Get me the bag from back please?" Luke asked. I heard Mike walk past then saw him. "Why are you so stubborn?" He asked me.
"What do you mean?" I asked innocently.
"You know, basically not wanting any help."
"Because it was a waste having the ambulance comes out there. We could of done the same thing they did. I had this type of stuff happen before. Like I told you before, don't mess with me and get me mad."
"Or have your child run in front of vehicles." Luke said. I turned around and looked at him. I could tell he kind of blamed himself.
"It happens. Kids run. Especially after cute small animals. I'm glad I got to him in time. This is nothing compared to what could of happened. Plus, I've been hurt worse. I got this." I smiled at him. He smiled back. Michael then gave him the stuff. He put it on my head then bandaged me up.
"Alright up with the shirt."
"Woah, we don't wanna see what ya'lls do." James said joking. Luke and I both turned our heads and glared at him. Michael started laughing. I then turned back around and lifted the back of my shirt.
"Damn girl. You skid on assfault?" Michael asked.
"No I flew on air." I said sarcastically as Luke put medication on that. Luke chuckled.
"Feisty." James said. I turned my head.
"Should have been around months ago when I first met her. Shy as can be. Now she kicks and bites." Luke said. They both raised and eye brow. "I didn't mean it like that, I mean…" He started to say but we all busted out laughing.
"She is rowdy now. We get it." James said still laughing. Luke then put my shirt back down.
"Ok you're all good." I turned around and smiled at him.
"Thank you." He nodded.

I got up and went to my luggage. I noticed that I only had a shirt for another day. Also pants for another day. I would have to wear my already worn jeans or something for the next week. Shirts too. Maybe we can get this stuff washed so I don't wear dirty stuff. My shirt from earlier is not salvageable. Blood comes out of white horribly.
I got to the bathroom and changed. Luke was still talking to the guys. I changed quickly looking at my back in the mirror. Wow. I did mess that up more then what I thought. Hardly hurts though. I put my clothes on and walked out. Luke and the guys looked at me like they were just talking about me. I smiled at them then walked to the back. I went to hug the boy's goodnight. Tater hugged me tight and kissed my cheek. I smiled at him and knew even though he was two he understood more than what we think. I felt like he appreciated this and that he knew I saved his life.

I walked to the bunk and got in. I covered up and lay facing the wall. It hurt less that way. I sighed thinking about everything that happened today. I thought back to my high school days and the days after I turned 21. I smiled about the fun and cool memories I had. If only Luke knew what I was once like back then, his view on me would change. I closed my eyes listening to the noises around me. I know they were trying to be quiet. I heard people moving around. I fell asleep for a little while till I woke up feeling like I had to pee. Luke wasn't in the bunk yet so I got up.
I opened the door and saw him sitting there on his phone. He had his head resting on his one hand. I quickly went to the bathroom and saw he was in the same position. I slowly walked over to him and put my hand on his back. He looked back at me and smiled.

"You okay?" I asked him.
"What? Yeah." he said locking his phone then rubbing his face. "Checking on things. Why ain't you sleeping?" he asked looking back up at me.
"Had to pee." He nodded. "Why aren't you sleeping it's…" I said looking at the clock on the microwave. "11." He shrugged. I rubbed his back and he moved over. I sat next to him and he put his arm around me. I placed my head on his shoulder.
"Thinking about a lot."

"Like what?"  I asked him sweetly.
"Life and events." He said.
"Come on, be more specific."
"Today." he said. I looked up at him and he was looking out the window. I knew he didn't want to go into detail. I yawned and he looked at me. "Let's not get far into it. It'll take a while and it's late. Let's get to bed." He smiled down at me.
"Fine." I pouted.
"Don't do that sweetheart. Another time alright?" I nodded.

He let me go and we got up. He got his pj pants and a tee shirt on. I was in the bunk when he got in. I cuddled to him and he faced me cuddling me tight. I could tell something was up with him. I didn't want to push it because he didn't want to but I was really curious. I closed my eyes just thinking. I tried falling asleep quick but my mind kept thinking what is up. He breathed in deeply and let out through his mouth.

"Thank you Nikki." Luke said softly. I moved my head but before I could say something. "You saved my boys life today. I never thanked you for that. I know you're gonna say it was nothing or it was worth it but you have no clue how much I'm grateful to you. I wouldn't have been able to make it in time. I feel like there is something I could have done but every which way I think of it, and I do believe things happen for a reason but I didn't want you getting hurt. You treat me and my boys so well, I never thought when I first met you, and you would be doing something like this for me. I have no clue how to repay you in anyway, nor do I think you'd as for repayment but….Just know at least that I'm grateful and I thank you from deep down inside because without you, today I'd have one less member of my family and I don't know how I'd do losing another person I love so much." He said sounding so upset. I moved my hand up to his face. I didn't know what to say because he knew everything I would of said. I rubbed my thumb across his cheek. His hand moved to on top of mine. Nothing was said for quite some time. I finally removed my hand.
"Luke. You're more than welcome. I'd do anything for you and your boys. Not only do you say I treat you well, and no it's not because of my job, but it's because you guys treat me so great. More than I've ever really felt."
"Is it weird to say that I feel like you'll be a part of our lives forever? Like, even when the boys get old, you'll be there in some way?" I smiled.
"No, just shows how close people actually get, and how attached they can be."
"Good." He said. It fell silent again.
"Goodnight Thomas." I said smiling.
"Goodnight Niks." He said.

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