45 - Best Friends Girlfriend

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I was 9 months pregnant and little man hasn't come out yet. They're going to have to induce me into labor if he doesn't by next week. Luke has been making sure I was as relaxed as possible. I swear he would even carry me everywhere if he could. The boys were with their grandparents since yesterday because Luke said it would be better if they were in a calm place and not here when it comes to be hectic with my water breaking. If it does.

Today I wanted Steve to come over but he had his girlfriend with him. I told him it was alright. I honestly do not like this woman. There was something about her that made me uneasy. She was pretty and Steve seemed pretty happy. They've been together three months and he has not let her see his kids yet because he wants to fully trust her first which I think is wonderful on his end.

I was in the living room with Luke right by my side. He had his arm behind me and my head was resting on his shoulder as we watched TV. The doorbell rang and I was going to get up but Luke beat me to it and had me stay seated. When I heard the obnoxious, "Hey Luke!" I knew it was Steve and his annoying girlfriend. I put a smile on my face anyway and got up from the couch.

"Hey preggo! Don't get up. I'll scoop down to your level mama." Steven said as he helped me sit back down then hugged me. He put his hand on my stomach. "Little man is fighting to stay with ya." Steve said and I laughed.

"Oh yeah. Luke has been giving him prep talks." I said looking at Luke who was followed by Steven's girlfriend to the other side of the couch. She noticed she was going to have to take the recliner or love seat. The love seat was on Luke's side so she took that and just stared. Steve laughed and rubbed my tummy.
"I love the fact that you're pregnant. As weird as it sounds I love pregnant women. Minus when their hormones are all fucked up. It's not that I'm turned on you know this… I'm not making this any better. Sorry." Steven said and Luke and I just laughed because he felt like he offended us and it didn't.

"It's all okay. I understand. I love the belly, feeling the baby kick, and it's the best when it's yours. It's the whole life creation." Luke said and Steve nodded. I had a view of his girlfriend off to the side and she rolled her eyes.

"So what is going on with this little man?" Steven asked.

"Well, got checked yesterday since it was the due day, and I don't want to keep him in any longer, so they said I could do the C section. So they are going to most likely do that next week if he doesn't come naturally in a week."
" Junior was a C Section. I say that's better but I hear it's not the best for the baby since they need it for something to do with the lungs or something." Steven told me. I looked at Luke because he has been through this before.

"Bo and Tate were both natural. Well, Caroline did get the epidural. Nikki said she wasn't doing that." Steve looked at me.

"Really? You'd go through all that when you could spare the pain?"
"Women use to do it all the time. So why not? At least have one this way. Who knows if we are going to have any more? This would be baby number 3."

We all kept up with that conversation till Luke offered to order pizza for everyone. We got two larges. One is extra cheese and the other is meat lovers. While we were waiting I excused myself from the conversation to use the bathroom. Since the bathroom downstairs is in the middle of being remodeled, I have to walk all the way upstairs.
I just went to Luke and my bathroom and got a text while I was washing my hands. Steve texted me saying he had to talk to me about something. I texted back, "Okay, I'll just tell Luke I got to show you something downstairs we just got that you'd appreciate." Steve was I for that idea so when I got downstairs I didn't want to make it too obvious. I was going to do it after the pizza got here.

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