49 - Everything Will Go Back To Normal

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~Nikki's Point Of View~

Steve was right. Everything will go back to normal. I just need help. Tate just needs attention and if I only asked for a little bit of help here and there, this could have been avoided. Tate wouldn’t' feel neglected. I didn't ever want this to happen but it did and it's time to fix it.

I got to Tate's door and it was shut. I knocked on it and he didn't answer. I sighed and opened the door. He was facing the wall with the covers over him. I heard sniffles and my heart broke a little more. He is also heartbroken because all I've been doing is yelling at him and grounding him. He has acted up for attention but it's the wrong way. I got to set this straight.

"Tate honey. Can we talk?" I said shutting his door and walking over to his bed.

"No go away." He said into his pillow. I sighed.

"Tater we need to talk baby. I'm not going to yell. You're not going to be grounded." I told him.

"Hmm." He said.
"I know your upset with me because I don't show you any attention. You think I put it all into the baby but I don't mean to only show him attention. Buck needs it because he can't do things like you, me, and Bo can. I have to wash, change, and help him eat all the time. Soon he won't need as much attention and you'll all start to get the same amount. Since I'm alone here with you three boys it's hard for me to show all of you attention. I know you're jealous and want more, but you don't need to act out the way you have been. I'm sorry I've been only yelling at you all the time. I shouldn't. I should have seen that you were upset and needed mommy time. I should have gotten help and then you would have been able to have more mommy time. I'm really sorry Tater. When you told me you hated me today it really…" I said not able to hold back tears anymore. I let a few drop and sniffled. "It broke my heart Tate. I don't want you to hate me. I love you so much Tate and would do anything for you. Just because there is a baby don't mean I don't. You telling me to go away and never come back really made me feel like you did hate me." I said letting the tears just flow. "Don't hate me Tate. I promise I'll get help and we can have more time together okay?" I said letting tears fall. He was facing me now and I used the back of my hand to get rid of some of my tears. He got up and crawled over to me.

"Don't cry mama. I do love you. I made you cry. I'm sorry mama. Don't cry. I love you mama. I didn't mean what I said. I don't hate you. Please don't be sad no more mama. No more tears. I love you." Tate said as he hugged me as tight as he could. I put my arms around him and held him close.
"I love you too Tate." I said as we held each other. We both sniffled at the same time which made both of us laugh. "I had Uncle Stevie order pizza. You hungry little man?" I asked. He nodded. He let go of me and got off the bed. I got up and looked at him. "Wanna ride the plane down?" His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"YES!" He yelled happy as hell and put his arms up. I picked him up

I put him into the plane and made noises all the way down the steps. He was giggling and I could hear hunter running out of Luke and my room. I saw him run past me after I got down the steps and started walking to the kitchen. I got into the kitchen and everyone was in there.

Steve had the baby in his high chair. Bo was sitting at the table with a plate empty. Steve sat next to him and his plate was empty. There were two pizza boxes on the table unopened. There were then two spots next to each other for Tate and me. I let him sit down and then sat down too. There were drinks for everyone as well.

"Did you put all this out?" I asked Steve.

"Bo put the plates and cups. I pour the drinks and set the pizza's down. Team work!"  Steve said and high fived Bo.

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