16 - Hotel Romance or is it Lust?

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I walked over to the guys talking. Luke looked over and smiled. He put his arm out. I walked into it and he pulled me close. I put both arms around him. I heard they were talking about fishing next year before he finishes his next album. I had a cold chill go down my spine and I shivered. Luke rubbed my back and looked down at me and smiled.

"Alright guys, we're outta here." Luke said.
"Alright man, we'll talk later. Congrats man." Blake said. Luke let go of me to give a hug to him.
"Yeah Luke, congratulations." Jason said hugging him. "See you again Nikki." Jason said smiling giving me a hug. I smiled at him.
"Bye Nikki." Blake said hugging me.
"Bye guys." Luke and I both said. 

He grabbed my hand leading me through the crowd. There were people trying to get autographs. Luke did stop for some people. Signed some women's hats, shirts, and boobs. I laughed at some women being so weird asking for boob signings. Guys got their hats and phones signed. When we made it to a taxi I got in first and then Luke did. He pulled me close to him. Then I realized he didn't say back to the bus. I looked up at him.

"I'm drank a little too much for the boys to see, and I think it'd be nice for both of us to have a whole night away from all this." He smiled. I nodded.
"You call the shots boss man." I giggled. He chuckled.
"I'm not your boss Nikki. I'm just Luke now." He said with another big smile. I just smiled back at him and laid my head on his shoulder. He kissed my head.

When we got to the hotel, Luke talked to the lady and she was blushing and smiling. She handed him two key cards and he thanked her. We walked the elevator and went up. We were the only ones on there. When it stopped we walked down the hall and found our room. He opened the door and let me in first. I went right to the bathroom. I used it then looked at myself in the mirror. My hair looked great still. I didn't want it up though. I started taking it out when Luke knocked.

"Yeah?" I asked.
"I need to go." He said. I laughed and opened the door. He raised his eye brow. "Fixing your hair?" I shook my head.
"No, taking it out." I said moving past him to sit on the bed. He looked at me and just smiled. He walked in and shut the door. I got my hair out and my heels off. I was rubbing my feet when he came out.
"Feet hurt?" I looked up at him and nodded. "Sit up more in the bed." He said doing a hand motion showing me to scoot up.  I did and looked at him. He sat at the end of the bed. He grabbed my one foot and I giggled. He looked at me. "You're ticklish?" I nodded.

He shook his head and smirked. He then started to massage my foot. It felt amazing. He did the same to the other food. I just laid back. It felt amazing. When he was done he got up and grabbed two glasses and poured some liquor in them. We sat on the side of the bed and talked for a little bit. I finished my glass quick. Luke was almost done. He looked at me and smirked.

"Want more?" I shook my head.
"I am not getting drunk. This buzz I have is good enough for me." He knocked back the rest of his and grabbed our glasses. He put them back and sat next to me but closer. He looked over at me and smiled.
"You looked amazing tonight. Thank you for coming." He told me.
"Well thank you for inviting me and doing all this." I said pointing at my body.
"My pleasure Darlin." He grabbed my hand. "What do you think of me?" I raised my eye brow. Where did this come from? I just smiled at him.
"I think you're a wonderful man, you sweet, funny, and very caring. You're a wonderful father. You are a great person all round. You're also a hard worker and yet you still know how to be a family man and have fun. You have wonderful qualities that all men should have." He just smiled. He looked down.
"I was expecting not that long of a response but thank you."  He then looked at me. "here get up." he said. I did what he said. He stayed sitting though. I looked at him. He grabbed both my hands making me stand in front of him. He pulled me closer looking up at him. "Common, sit."I guess he wanted me sitting facing him? So I did what he said. He let go of my hands which I put on his shoulders and he had his hands on my hips. He smirked. "Different looking down at me huh?" He said moving his hands lower from my hips and back a little. He was right above my butt.
"I'll never look down at you." I smiled at him. He removed one of his hands from my back and put it on my face. He looked into my eyes and smiled.
"You're one special person that every man should be able to experience." That made me blush. He pulled my face closer to his.

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