24 - I Don't Want This Night To End

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Today we had all to ourselves. Luke in the morning made a few phone calls that he had to. That night we were going to Jason's bonfire. We ate Lunch together at home. We watched TV and talked cuddling up on the couch downstairs. We both got ready for the bonfire and Luke drove out there.

I was mostly sitting in the back of his truck while he was across the fire staring at me smiling. He got me a couple beers and only had a couple them. There were two other people sitting on his tailgate. I was just swaying back and forth to the music. I had a couple people come up and talk to me. I made a few more friends and was having a pretty good time. Luke came by a few times to make sure I was okay and asked me if I wanted to follow him. I opted just to stay at the truck and talk to people. I only got up a few times to have some beers and I was pretty toasty. I enjoyed the music I heard; I enjoyed watching Luke have his own fun without me. I was even having my own.

Before I knew it Luke was telling people to get off the tailgate and then he got in the driver side. He told me to hang on. I did what he said as he turned up the radio and drove off. I was dancing by myself on the back of his truck while he drove. I was smiling like a fool and singing along. I went through the back window into the back and then into the front. I sat in the passenger seat as he put up the middle and I came closer to him. I kissed his cheek as he put his arm around me pulling me closer.
We drove around for a while singing songs together and just having a great time. We stopped somewhere to cuddle up together listening to the soft songs on the XM radio. Kelly Clarkson came on with her Already Gone from American idol. I smiled. I hummed part of the song while I kept my head on Luke's shoulder. He got quiet and rubbed my arm. I closed my eyes not looking at the stars anymore. The song ended and we both stayed quiet as the next song came along.
I almost fell asleep till I felt Luke changing the stereo from the steering wheel. He went through so many channels. He even went to the FM stations. I wonder what he was looking for. Then he was about to go past this one song that made me jump up and get hyper.

"NO! Don't change it!" I said grabbing his hand. He looked at me weird. I started dancing in my seat. "What is love? Baby doesn't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more. What is love? Baby don't hurt me don’t hurt me no more. Woooohhooohhhh WOoohoooh uhhhhh. Woooooohoohoooooooo WohooohohhooooO uuuhh." I then danced again. I looked over at him and he was watching me with a smile on his face. "Dance with me!" I said. He looked at me weird. "You'll dance any other time!" I said pouting. He then smirked and started dancing. I did the girls wooohoooh part again as we both danced.

"OOoooooooo Ooooooo Oooo What is love? oooOooo oOoooOOo. What is love? Baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more!" Luke sang. I smiled looking at him.

We sang and danced together till the end of the song. When it ended we both busted out laughing. I looked at the clock. It was 3:35. I looked over at Luke.

"Luke its 3:35!" He looked at the clock real quick and was shocked.
"Damn. It doesn't feel like it's been that long." He smiled at me. "Must have been having fun."
"I was. "I smiled at him. He leaned in and kissed me real quick and then looked into my eyes. Looking into this man's eyes made me know he did care about me and couldn’t lie about it.


He started up his truck and we were on our way home. We were listening to the alternative station. I was listening and humming it. It was going to take about half an hour to get home from where we were. We drove pretty far away from everyone. I sat in the middle still being close to him.

A/N: Sorry This Chapter Is Short

Hey everyone. I have been having some problems the past two weeks and things have gone down hill for me. I have to move out of my ex fiance's house and don't know if I will be able to post when I'm suppose to. I might be late with some. I'll probably make up somehow.

Please keep commenting and voting for the story. When I see more and more readers are votig for, putting my story into their library, and commenting; it really shows that what I enjoy writing others are enjoy reading. It's making it all worth while. Thank you all.


Maid To Wife - Luke BryanWhere stories live. Discover now