20 - Reunited

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Luke's parent's picked up the boys yesterday. Tonight we were going out to a bar. We were meeting up with his friends and their girls. Which Miranda and Jess were friends of mine so I at least knew two people? This bar was on the outskirts of Nashville. When we got there we got drinks and then met some people.
Everything was going great tonight. I had about four to five beers in me with a shot of Jack. I drank enough to have courage to dance. I grabbed Luke's hand when I got up. He looked at me and then realized I wanted to dance. He said he'd be back at the table to Blake and Jake. He danced with me and we were having so much fun.

When we were done. I felt hot. I went to the bar and got Luke and me another beer. I sat down but inside was just too hot for me. I grabbed my coat and finished my beer. Luke grabbed my hand.

"Where you going?" he asked with a huge smile on his face.
"I'm hot, I need air." I said fanning my face with my other hand.
"I'll join you. Give me a minute." I nodded and kept my place where I stood.

I waited for Luke to get done his beer. He quickly did and then stood up. Blake said he would join us. We all walked outside. I breathed in the cold air. It felt nice. I was nice and buzzed to tipsy. Guys were laughing by this jacked up truck. They were smoking cigarettes. I smiled remembering that’s what JC and our friends use to do. I'm glad I quit smoking though.
I was pulled against Luke who had his back at the wall. Blake was talking to him. They were talking about some baseball and football things. I shook my head not paying attention because it was college. I smiled feeling warm against Luke. A few girls came up to us and saw Blake and Luke. They asked for pictures. Luke let me go and took pictures with them. One of the girls stared me up and down.

"You're prettier in person." She said. I was shocked.
"Thank you." I told her being polite. She nodded. We then got them pictures with Blake. The girls then went inside.
"Hey baby." Luke said looking at me. I gave him an I'm lost type of look because I was close to dazing out. "Can you get my phone out the truck? I wanna call mama and make sure the boys are okay."
"No problem." I smiled at him grabbing the keys off his belt loop. I went to his truck which was two down from the guys hollering and laughing at the jacked up dodge. I got in and grabbed Luke's phone. I checked seeing only emails were on it." I locked up the truck. I walked past the guys with the truck. I saw Luke smiling watching me. I smiled back at him.
"WOLVERTON!" I stopped dead in my tracks. My smile fell. "Turn that ass around girl!" The guy yelled. "Wolverton!" I slowly turned around. A guy was standing in front of the dodge. He had his arms crossed. He was wearing a zip up hoodie that had Iron Maiden across it. His hair was short with sunglasses on top. He had a smile on his face. His arms seemed buff. He was slightly taller than me. I looked closer and my jaw dropped. "Come on Wolverton. I know I don't look that bad." I heard walking come from behind me. I had Luke's keys on my belt loop and his phone in my pocket.
"S…s.s..Steven?" I said quietly. He opened his arms. I ran for him. I jumped right into his arms being twirled around. I had tears come to my eyes as I hugged him tight. He finally put me down and kept hugging me.
"I'm the one and only sugar." We pulled away. He let go of me but my hands went to each side of his face. He kept his hair cut clean, and his face was smooth like always. I removed his sunglasses and played with the cut hair. I smiled with a tear rolling down. He wiped it away.
"Where have you been?" I asked quietly.
"Everywhere. Back on tour. Home for the last few months. Someone told me you went M.I.A. I tried looking for ya. House was sold. Nothing left but his parents telling me you started working as a nanny. The people who they knew said they don't know what happened to you. Now I knew you moved to Nashville. Nice." He smirked. "Trying to become that star?" He punched my arm a little. I grabbed it and pouted.
"Still being that ass?" I smirked at him.
"You know it baby doll. Just think Steven, the ass! Featuring Pup the major bitch." He smirked putting his hands up in the air. I laughed. "Wow, I haven't heard that laugh in forever. I'm guessing your doing well huh?" He asked. I looked back at Luke who was standing just staring and Blake was trying to talk to him with his arm on Luke's shoulder. "Boyfriend?" He asked. I looked back at Steve and he smiled.  I just smiled back at him.
"Why don't you come over here since he is probably confused why I ran away from him." I said looking back at Luke who didn't seem to happy.
"First, see who else is here." He smiled. I looked at him wide eyed.
"Who did you bring?" He smirked.
"It's more than just one person. It's the whole crew girl." He said pointing to people. I recognized some of them now being able to be closer. There was Jacob, Dave, Jessie, Tyler, Taylor, James, and Jessica. The other few I didn't know. Oh wow. I haven't seen most of these people since JC's funeral. "Hey guys." He said grabbing my hand pulling me closer to the truck and people. Everyone just looked at me. Before I knew it I was being tackled and picked up
"NO FUCKING WAY!" I heard Jacob say. He had me picked up around my ass. I was now scared shitless which made me scream. I started slapping his arms.
"PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed.
"You're wish." He said letting go of me and I started falling then he caught me again. He then let me down easy. I slapped his chest.
"Asshole." I growled at him.
"Feisty as always. And a blonde. Nice!" He said roughing up my head. I swatted his hand.
"Oh my god it's you!" I heard a girl's voice and it was Jessica. I smiled at her. She went over and hugged me then held Jacobs hand.
"Shit Wolverton. I thought you left Tennessee." Dave said coming up and hugging me. "At least we have two of you Wolvertons to yell at." He looked at Jacob and laughed. Jacob flipped him off.
"My sister in law is back. Hell Ma and Pa will be happy. They were worried sick about you for the last couple years. The hell you been Pup?" Jacob asked.
"In Nashville for the past 6 months. 20 miles from here for the other 2 years. Before that random places." I told them. I then looked back and saw Luke not looking so happy with Blake just trying to calm him it seemed. "Guys, let me go get him. He seems pissed."
"Go get your man." Jessica said. I then felt being grabbed and put over a shoulder.

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