52 - Bachelorette Party

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Today was Luke and I's bachelor and bachelorette parties. His parents are watching the kids. The wedding is in a few days and I'm so excited. Buck has started to say more words. He can address everyone in the house. He even can say Jessie and Stevie now. Food is a word he learned quickly along with drank. Thanks to Luke it's not drink it's drank. It is funny but he is going to think it's not that for quite some time.

Jess said she had everything planned for us which were a plane trip to Miami. The guys were going off somewhere else. She said Luke will tell me when I see him tomorrow. We were all on the plane and started to grab drink already. By time we got to Miami it would be 7. We only brought carryon bags. There was Jess, Jessica, Miranda, Me, Faith, Linda, Sherry, Kerri, Carrie, and Holly. Jess knew I was going to have more fun in a smaller group.

The hotel rooms were split two people per room. I had one with Jess. Miranda and Faith shared, Jess is with Linda, Sherry and Kerri, and Holly and Carrie. We instantly had to change into our dresses because Jess said everything was on a time frame. We had got a bus to take us to the place.

"Jess there is no stripper's right?" I asked her cautious. Luke and I both promised no strippers.
"No. I told Jason I was not having them and he better not because you told me what you and Luke both promised. I told him that would make either of you pissed at the other and it is neither of yours fault" Jess said.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"Well normally a bachelorette party is everyone getting drunk, dancing, and partying with strippers." All the girls who were married nodded. "BUT this time, no strippers get drunk though, you can dance after dinner, and it is a party of us!" Jess said and everyone yelled yeah! We all laughed too.

"Trust me girl. You're going to have fun." Miranda reassured me.

"Okay. I'll trust y'all's."

The bus pulled up to this very high end restaurant. This is where the dinner must be. Maybe the whole party? I walked out after Jess and we were greeted by a hostess. She sat us at a table all on another side of the restaurant. I don't know where everyone was. Everything was going great though. The food was delicious. The wine was fine. Our conversations were plentiful. I was just wondering what Jess had up her sleeve.

I had just enough food to be happy. The steak was beyond what I thought it was going to be. I am wondering how much money Jess put into all of this and if Luke helped. We all boarded the bus and I was blindfolded as we were on our way to the next destination. I wasn't too happy about having to walk down steps in heals while being blindfolded. The ride was about a 30 minute drive away from Miami it felt like.

I did it though. I actually didn't even fall. I walked for about a few minus before we went through the last door or what I hopped to be the last door. I was then sat down on some stool and they counted down. When I was able to take it off I smiled wide.

Jess had taken me to a normal bar. There was banners in the color of the wedding everywhere. More people than what we came on the plane with. Pierre was here with his boyfriend, and then we also had JC's mom Dani, and a bunch of other friends I have met along the way. Kara was even there.

I was engulfed in hugs and everything. There were beers being passed around and everyone had the music start and play. On the TV it played picture of fun times that we have all had together. I guess everyone put pictures together. I watched it and saw some from when I was younger so I know mama put that in there. There was some from the CMA's, the kiss Luke and I shared. It had pictures of Jess and I being silly in the kitchen. It then had both of us watching over the kids. It had more pictures of me with kids. Kara put some in there because you could see when I was helping her oldest with homework. Then there were pictures of me being on stage telling my brother and Luke's parents that we were having a baby.  Then there were pictures of me getting a bigger belly all the way till the first time I held him. This was amazing. I went over and hugged Jess thanking her.

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