36 - Derailed

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~Nikki's Point Of View~

I woke up sitting up in a jail cell. Woah Jail. I looked around seeing the bar and in the cell next to me was Steven sitting on the floor hitting his head at the wall. I looked at my arm and it was cut. I felt my face and it was fine but my neck was cut too. I looked at my shirt and there was dried blood. It was still dark out from the window above me showed. I stood up and looked at the other people in cells. They looked at me. One man looked me up and down and licked his lips. I huffed and that made Steven look at me. He got up and went to the bars between us. I walked closer to him. He hugged me through the bars.

"Oh Jesus Christ. You're back." Steven said happy as shit.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked. Steven pulled away.

"You're brother has been rushed to the hospital. You also made one man get rushed to the hospital while the man I beat the shit out of and detained is fine as they told me. My buddy is a cop here." Steven smiled.

"Wait I beat the shit out of whom?" I asked and then I heard a name.

"Names Andrei. You messed him up bad. Next time talk when we ask you to after we have to slam you on the ground." I looked at the door over at Steven cell and a cop was unlocking it.

"Sean that’s Pup. JC's uhh well wife?" Steven looked at me and I nodded.

"Oh shit. I was at war with your husband. I'm sorry about your loss Pup." Sean said opening Stevens door. "You two have statements to make then you're free." I looked at him confused. "Are you mute?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"No, I uh blacked out seeing a man stabbing my brother. Sorry." I said as he came to my cell unlocking it Steven stood outside with him. When it was open Steven gave me a proper hug. My neck hurt. I winced.

"How did we get free?"
"Self-defense Well from what you told me. Now I need her to finally speak as a statement. Oh and Luke Bryan is here. No bail by the way." He winked at Steven. Steve smiled. Oh shit. Luke's gonna be pissed off as hell.

"No record?" Steven asked.

"Sorry but this has to go down. Shit did no one look at your neck?" Sean said.

"I don't remember." I said.

He took me to another room. Steven waited outside. They asked me my side of the story. I told them from when I first got to the bar to when a knife was at my throat to when I threw Andrei to the ground off my brother and punched him the one or two times I remember. They nodded and told me some things. They said they're gonna put this down as self defense. They also gave me information about my brother. That pissed me off again. I needed to rush to the hospital. Fuck it. Luke is pissed. My brother is on the verge of death.

They let me out of the room and I told Steven things before going to see Luke. We walked down the hall again and had guys whistle at me. I flipped them of and walked away. Steven tried to talk me down from being angry. He knows things like this happen. He knows I black out. Now Luke will have to believe me I guess. We walked in and I saw Luke sitting there on his phone. He looked pissed. He looked up and I just stood there. He stood up and looked at me. He didn't seem happy but his expression softened maybe because he just saw covered in my blood and probably someone else's. Steven had blood on him to. Luke walked over.

"What the fuck did you to do get you in fucking jail?" Luke asked pissed. I frowned at him. He then pulled me in for a hug. "Are you okay baby?" He said just above a whisper.

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